Effective use of symbols in Medical devices labelling and packaging — Information to be provided by the manufacturer
Gabriel Opoku Adusei, MSc, PhD
Founder at PharMedTech & TriuneTechnologies / Pharmaceutical / Medical Device / Digital Health / Applied Technologies
Symbols as a Universal Language
It is plausible that with many official languages in the world of which a number of jurisdictions create the necessity to translate the information provided on the labels and packaging into multiple languages to ensure the safe use of a particular device depending on where the device is made available. This requirement can be dealt with partly by using symbols where possible. For example, the use of symbols on the label and packaging as an alternative to written language is permitted in the MDR regulation: Annex 1, chapter III, 23.1. h). In addition to symbols being efficient, cost saving and internationally understood concepts to convey the required information to the user of a medical device, it simplifies the textual information a manufacturer requires to provide on a product.
In the "ISO/DIS 20417(en) Medical devices — Information to be provided by the manufacturer" being developed and is now at the draft stage, a number of my proposed symbols in my previous article have been considered and adopted (see the references below).
Out of the number of the recommendations I provided, the following symbols have been considered and included in the ISO/DIS 20417(en) as inspired by the suggestions I presented in the previous articles. It is inspiring to know that the ISO community listens but its response takes "forever", relative to when I first published the recommendations for additional symbols for the medical device labelling and packaging information.
Contains biological material of animal origin
Contains biological material of human origin
Contains a medicinal substance
Well done ISO - Better late than never.
With much spotlight on the Medical Devices Regulation 2017/745/EU (‘MDR’), I would like to advise the relevant ISO WG/TC 210 in collaboration CEN/CLC/T3 that having dealt with the symbol for EU Authorised Representative and Manufacturer in EN ISO 15223, there should be symbols for the rest of the Economic Operators, namely the "Importer" and the "Distributor". The consideration for a "Distributor" symbol on a label or packaging will help differentiate the Economic Operators and help expedite the flow of information if an end-user or an authority requires to identify and contact entity, e.g. in an adverse event or Vigilance reporting.
Other product-related symbols which I recommend for consideration in the new ISO 20417(en) Medical devices — Information to be provided by the manufacturer should include:
- Software as a medical device (SaMD)
- Accessory
With much interest in the adoption of technology in medical and healthcare, it is inconceivable that symbols have not been published to help manufacturers of devices and systems in the areas of eHealth, mHealth (Mobile Health) and Connected Medical Devices. The Standards Organisations and Regulatory Authorities is advised to be at par with speed of technological advancement not playing catch up.
As always, I am always available for consultation and always here to help. I welcome comments. If you like this article, thumbs-up it, share it or re-post it. You may connect with me.
Gabriel Adusei: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/symbols-medical-device-labels-labelling-information-adusei-msc-phd/
Gabriel Adusei: Symbols used in medical device labelling – recommendations for emerging medical technologies. May 2012 – Volume 9, Issue 2 https://globalregulatorypress.com/product/may-2012/
Retired, however willing to help companies with innovation and knowledge exchange in the manufacturing and marine sectors.
5 年Great feedback, my only comments is with the symbol for a distributor,I would of liked to keep the factory symbol and had a box with distributor in it.