Effective Use of Financial Tags & Rules in D365 Finance
Once transactions have been posted, organizations often need visibility into the subledger data so that accounting entries generated from these transactions can be analyzed. Today, organizations use fields such as document number, description or financial dimensions to track data from the subledger in the general ledger.
The Financial Tags feature (Tags) eliminates the need to use document numbers, descriptions or financial dimensions by allowing an organization to create and enter up to 20 user-defined fields on transactions. In this article, I will describe how you can configure and use Financial Tags: Effective Use of Financial Tags in D365 Finance – D365FOAdviceTips
Whereas up to now, the values of the Financial Tags had to be entered manually during transactions, the functionality "Rules of Financial Tags" allows you to configure automatic entry of data of the Financial Tags values during transactions. This changes the game in the use of Financial Tags: Essential Guide to Financial Tag Rules in D365FO – D365FOAdviceTips