Effective Tactics to Cure Writer’s Block: Tips for Writers
Joram M. — Copywriter
I help brands turn complex ideas into captivating narratives that engage and drive action—so they stand out, influence, & scale.
Have you ever wrestled with writer’s block?
I know you want to complete that story, blog, paper, novel, book —you mention it. Whatever it is, you want to finish it and have it in your hands.
There comes a time when your productivity and motivation completely disagree. It’s frustrating when it is time to write, but you can hardly generate a single word.
Some research asserts that writer’s block is a mere myth. What’s more, some attribute it to life-related stress or flawed ideas. I won’t go into the psychology of it all, but some people argue that writer’s block doesn’t exist.
Writer’s block can last anywhere from a few minutes to hours, months, or even years. No matter how long it lasts, writer’s block is excruciating.
Luckily, you can break through writer’s block once and for all using the tips and tactics described below. I’ve seen firsthand that while there’s no magic one-size-fits-all strategies to overcome writer’s block, certain tactics definitely make a big difference.
1. Stay Away From Distractions
I know you can get frustrated when something intrudes on your attention when it’s time to write. Distractions can be social media, a person, or even notifications on your phone, which hijack your writing flow.
If you’re serious about your writing dream, turn off all other media, including social media, email, TV, or radio.
In addition, establish specific writing time blocks. You need to inform anyone who needs to know that you’re unavailable unless it is an emergency. Let your writing hours be your strict working hours. These strategies will help you stay away from distractions.
2. Take a Break
Take some rest and see what your body needs. Who knows? Probably, a 15-minute walk outdoors is all you need to revive your creativity.
Do something else, and get back to your work later after a few moments afresh. Do you know that some of your best writing ideas come when you’re away from the computer?
For instance, J.K. Rowling—the Harry Potter author has mentioned that she first had the idea for the series while on a delayed train, showcasing that writing ideas can strike in the most unexpected situations.
3. Freewriting
It is Pablo Picasso who said, 'Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working.' Wonders happen in the doing. You were not born knowing how to speak, but you learn by listening to others. The more you spoke, the better you became at it. The same is true of writing. You get better at writing by practicing it.
As a writer, write without worrying about spelling, grammar, or sentence structure. Write without pausing. Write even when you don’t feel like it. Write even if it doesn’t make sense.
The best cure is to just write without second-guessing anything. Freewriting can help you overcome writer’s block.
4. Read Widely
Good writers must first be great readers as you can't be one without the other. If you want to be a great and smart writer, do yourself one favour and become a devoted reader.
Read diverse genres and draw inspiration from your favourite writers. Reading a poem, a book chapter, or a blog from other writers before sitting down to write, inspires you to grow in your craft when you find it hard to produce a single word. It inspires you to craft your own content.
"If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot. There's no way around these two things that I'm aware of, no shortcut." — Stephen King
“Writing comes from reading, and reading is the finest teacher of how to write” —Annie Proulx
The role of reading widely in helping you beat writer’s block is unmatched.
5. Seek Help From Friends
Don’t stare at a blank screen and hope that words will appear miraculously. It never works that way!
Instead, strike a conversation with your friend(s) who are fellow writers or peers. Approach your friends and describe to them what you’re writing and how you got stuck.
Share your experiences with them and don’t hesitate to seek advice. Seeking help from friends is a proven strategy for overcoming writer’s block.
This may help you beat writer’s block. I have tried this strategy severally and the outcome has always been amazing.
6. Find out When and Where You’re the Most Creative
As a dedicated writer, you need to identify when and where you’re most productive. Which time of the day is your mind the sharpest? Is it in the first few hours of the day? Are you most creative at night? A night owl you must be, just for laughs!
You must figure out when you’re most productive.
You must also know where you’re most creative. Do you write better in diverse locations like in your house, at the beach, or in a coffee shop? Figure out the space where your creativity is optimal.
It is imperative to stay away from distractions such as noise, social media, or games on your phone. Consider turning off WiFi or writing when your phone is away.
That just about wraps it up for today, folks.
You’re a great reader if you’ve got this far. These strategies are a massive leap forward for helping you overcome writer’s block and improve your writing productivity. Happy writing!