Effective selling is not only about the ability to persuade, but also about knowing who needs to be convinced.
Targeting a product "to everyone" often leads to waste of resources and low effectiveness of marketing and sales activities. That is why the ability to correctly determine the target group is so important, both for sales and the company's professional image.?
But let’s start from the beginning. What exactly is the target group??
This is the social group on which you focus your marketing and sales activities - aka target audiences. Who will be in this distinguished group depends, of course, on your goals and business prospects, as well as the specificity of the product offered. For the simplest example, if you're interested in generating revenue, your target audience will be the person most likely to purchase from your company. Simple as that.?
What are the benefits of precisely defining the target group??
You could say that the list of pros seems to expand endlessly.?
But we, advertising virtuosos, creators of original ideas, alchemists of sales magic, know like no one else how valuable time is, so today we will try to focus only on the key ones.?
Adapting the offer and personalizing communication - by determining the target group, we can better understand the expectations and way of thinking of a potential customer, and then adapt the sales offer and product communication to them. Example? When preparing product communication, we will want to emphasize different features of the product for a premium customer, for whom the sought-after luxury is a kind of weakness, a way to satisfy hedonistic needs, and different features for a common customer, looking for functionality and assessing the product through the prism of its utility values.?
Increasing competitiveness - good knowledge of the target group means understanding their needs and personalizing the offer. This gives us the opportunity to stand out from the competition on the market by offering the customer the perfect solution in the perfect place and time (dear consumers, it's time to stop believing in coincidences). It also offers the opportunity to analytically "watch" the competition and understand why some may be doing better than others.?
Improving the effectiveness and efficiency of marketing activities - let's face it, directing advertising activities on a general scale to an unspecified group of recipients is a clear waste of resources. Why? Because we waste time, budget and energy on activities that are doomed to failure. Instead, precise definition of the target group allows us not only to adjust the tone of communication and content, but also to select appropriate channels through which we intend to reach the customer, and finally, carefully analyze the effectiveness of activities and make each campaign another step towards optimization and the coveted land of effortless selling.?
Building relationships with customers and a strong brand image - by getting to know the target group, we begin to understand what is important to them and what they pay attention to. This is crucial in building customer trust and loyalty. How? It allows us to create the impression of a personal relationship with each client and avoid mistakes in communication that may offend or discourage our recipient. In the long run, the whole thing allows customers to feel a close relationship with the brand.?
The key question now is- How to properly define your target group??
In order to effectively define a group, we need to look at many individual aspects that have the greatest impact on audience categorization. The main ones include:?
Geographic criteria – where the recipients are located and what language (or dialect) they speak on a daily basis.?
Demographic criteria - how old the recipients are, what gender they are, whether they have a family, what education they have, what type of work they do and what is their financial status.?
Psychographic criteria – what interests the recipients have and how they spend their free time.?
Behavioral criteria – how and where our recipients most often consume content on the Internet.?
Only by looking at each of the above aspects individually allows us to create a clear image of the target group, to which we can then adapt the brand's communication.?
I hope that you found the above tips useful and interesting, looking forward to your opinion and hope that you share your very own experiences in defining target groups!?