Effective and relevant methods for quickly increasing the conversion rate of your landing page

Effective and relevant methods for quickly increasing the conversion rate of your landing page

So, you've decided that your landing page isn't as good as you'd like it to be.

Perhaps the numbers show that competitors are starting to "steal" leads and sales that you previously captured.

It's also possible that the outdated nature of your landing page is noticeable to the naked eye, even without looking at the statistics.

In such cases, the company's marketer usually compiles a list of ideas borrowed from competitors' landing pages; these ideas are then "wrapped" in the company's brand style, and the resulting version replaces the old one.

This is not the worst approach, and it can have a significant positive effect, but what if your competitors' sites are also far from perfect? In this article, we'll try to share with you some up-to-date ideas for improving the conversion rate and UX of landing pages. These ideas are simple and effective, and they are used in landing pages across various industries — some of them might not yet be used by any of your competitors.

So, let's get started.

1. Haven't recorded a video about your product or service yet? It's time to finally do it.

Yes, shooting a video takes time and often financial investment.

But the level of engagement that a video provides is almost impossible to replicate with text. This, of course, has a positive impact on the landing page's conversion rate.

Even Dropbox (https://www.dropbox.com/), whose interface clearly communicates what to expect (even if you've never used it before, you can easily tell it's similar to Google Drive or OneDrive), introduces itself through an auto-playing video:

Of course, you should pay attention not only to the content of the video but also to its ability to play on the widest possible range of devices, even with a less-than-ideal internet connection. If your video is well optimized, you can set it to auto-play (as Dropbox did in the example above).

2. Talk less about your advantages. Show them.

Information about a product's advantages is often organized in a grid format. Such a grid looks neat and attractive. Often, a minimalist icon is added to each point in the grid, making the section even more appealing. The problem is that, as our experience shows, these points are often not read.

If you have such a section on your landing page and the site is connected to an analytics service with a scroll heatmap, check to see if visitors are spending time on this section. Very often, they are not.

What should you do if this section contains very important information for potential buyers? First of all, reduce the number of points to a minimum, leaving only the truly important ones. Secondly, visualize each point not just with an icon, but with something truly substantial.

An excellent example is the Mailchimp landing page (https://mailchimp.com/). This email marketing service, despite its vast functionality, has reduced its grid to just four key features, accompanied by well-crafted, very illustrative images:

Present your product in a similar way, and you may immediately notice an improvement in your conversion rate.

3. Do you have well-known brands among your clients? Mention them at the very beginning of your landing page.

Almost any company with well-known brands among its clients features a section on its landing page showcasing these brands (usually in the form of a logo list).

This section is most often placed near the end of the landing page, making it one of the final factors intended to sway potential customers in your favor.

However, we increasingly see another, often more effective approach—placing the list of brands at the very beginning of the landing page, on the first or second screen.

For example, this is exactly what Slack (https://slack.com/) did on their landing page:

This approach works simply: the user immediately sees well-known brands among your clients, which leads them to trust the information you present later on the page.

Yes, sometimes this action has a minimal impact on conversion, but other times, especially in highly competitive fields, simply moving this section can significantly boost the landing page's conversion rate.

4. Is the visual aspect important in your product? Add photos, as many photos as possible.

If the visual appeal of your product plays a significant role in the user's decision-making process, don't be afraid to saturate your landing page with images.

This is quite an obvious idea, but we often see the following situation: the appearance of the product significantly influences the landing page's conversion rate, yet the page only contains a small gallery of rather simple photos.

This is an unfortunate approach. If your product is visually appealing, show it off.

If you put in the effort and create a large volume of professionally shot photos of your product, and then enrich your landing page with them, it can drastically increase the number of inquiries you receive.

Take a look at how actively BlueApron (https://www.blueapron.com/) uses bright, vibrant photos to maximize the impact of the visual aspect:

Just visit this landing page and see how effective this approach is. It's obvious that such appetizing and vibrant photos positively impact conversion in the best possible way.

5. Share your customers success stories, thoroughly and in detail.

Well-crafted case studies are one of the most effective ways to convince a user to choose you. A case study can be created for almost any business category: many products and services successfully solve users' problems, and this is definitely worth sharing.

Featuring even basic testimonials on your landing page is extremely beneficial, but by putting in the effort to share a more detailed success story of your customer in the form of a case study, you can make an even stronger impression on your website visitors.

An excellent example is demonstrated by Skillcrush (https://skillcrush.com/), which not only recorded a video testimonial but also dedicated a separate page to thoroughly explain how the company's product impacted the customer's life:

By visiting the landing page and clicking on the image, you will be taken to a dedicated page with photo, video, and text materials that thoroughly describe the client's successful case; as a result, the story makes a strong impression on the visitor.

The increase in conversion easily compensates for all the effort spent on gathering and presenting the information for the case study, so we highly recommend testing this idea.

6. Show users a visual guide to using your product.

If the process of using your product is relatively complex for the buyer, it's quite common to add a step-by-step guide on the landing page that explains what the user should do with the product. This is absolutely the right approach; the question is how the guide is presented.

Often, such a step-by-step guide is described in several text points; this format is often inconvenient for users (especially for those who are accustomed to perceiving information visually).

In this case, it's recommended to use visual guides, which are more comfortable for users to understand.

For example, in the example below (https://eu.clickandgrow.com/), just four simple images easily describe a rather complex product; as a result, the step-by-step actions become clear to the website visitor even before placing an order:

The example above uses schematic images; in this case, this approach turns out to be even better than photos, as the diagram captures the essence of the product usage process, focusing on what is most important.

If in your case photos are also an informative option, it's perfectly acceptable to create a guide using them.

7. Manufacturing a physical product? Capture it from a close angle.

If you have a high-quality video of your product that demonstrates the item in detail—be sure to feature it on your landing page. Video, even more so than photos, enhances the perception of the product's reality and, when it includes attractive shots, increases the desire to purchase it.

If the first point of this article discussed a video describing the product's functionality, here we're talking about a general video that thoroughly showcases the product's appearance.

In a sense, the video convinces the user that the product is real, and only a few clicks away from being purchased. This perception positively impacts conversion.

In the example below (https://simplychocolatecph.com/), a shot from a high-quality product video is shown, which perfectly complements the photos on the landing page:

Such videos are especially essential for products where the visual aspect plays a significant role in sales; in this case, it's not recommended to skip the video or cut corners on its quality._

8. Add video testimonials (at least one).

Having testimonials has long been a standard for any landing page. The recommendation to collect not only standard text testimonials but also video testimonials from satisfied clients has also been relevant for many years.

However, on most landing pages, we still see standard text testimonials with a photo of the client. Meanwhile, it's well-known that video testimonials have a greater impact on visitors and more effectively encourage them to make a purchase.

Some landing page owners unjustifiably exhibit a certain duality in their approach to testimonials: “either all testimonials should be in video format, or none at all”. Clearly, this is an incorrect idea: in reality, text testimonials pair perfectly with video; moreover, even a single video testimonial increases trust in the entire section.

Of course, recording a video testimonial is more labor-intensive than creating a text one; however, this difficulty is often overestimated: the widespread use of Zoom or Skype calls has significantly simplified the recording process.

Below is a successful example of combining different types of testimonials (https://www.smartpassiveincome.com/all-access/):

If you are still using only text testimonials (or haven't included this section on your landing page at all), we recommend revisiting this issue.

Today, to create a video testimonial, you only need the client's consent and access to Zoom/Skype.

Start small, record at least one video testimonial and add it to your landing page; in some industries, this alone can be enough to stand out from the competition and increase your landing page conversion.

9. Don't let users miss important numbers that describe your product

A common problem with many modern landing pages is excessive information overload. As a result, key messages can get "lost," and the overall perception of the landing page becomes "blurred"; this negatively impacts conversion.

First and foremost, when there is an excess of information, the lack of emphasis reduces conversion. Here, a very simple recommendation works well: don't let important numbers and facts go unnoticed.

Highlight the facts that describe your significant advantages in a separate section. For example, this is what the well-known dog food delivery service (https://www.thefarmersdog.com/) did, as shown in the screenshot from their landing page below:

The number shown in the image above indirectly communicates the company's extensive experience (as reflected in the volume of deliveries); this significantly increases trust in the product and has a highly positive impact on the conversion rate.

10. Compare your product with competitors in a table format; tables are well-received by most users.

Tables and charts, if simple enough, convey information effectively to most users. One successful technique that works well on landing pages is comparison tables with competitors.

A concise amount of information with minimal text and a clear breakdown into points replaces a lengthy text that takes up more than one screen. For example, an excellent example is shown in the image below (https://orchard.com/):

In the example above, it is made very clear to the user why it makes sense to choose the company's services over competitors. This method allows a long list of advantages to be condensed into a relatively small, “easily digestible” table.

11. Allow users to examine your product in detail.

In fact, this point is a variation of point 7 but relates to photos rather than videos.

If your product is physical, a simple yet effective solution could be to include close-up photos that allow users to see all the small details and texture of the item. This simple method is a powerful factor in convincing potential buyers of the reality of the offered product. Such "bringing the product closer" to the user has a positive impact on the conversion to purchase.

As with close-up videos, just one high-quality close-up photo easily convinces us that the product on the landing page is real, and it only takes a few clicks to place an order (example from the site https://www.reelpaper.com/):

Usually, just 1-2 high-quality photos are enough. Today, there's no need for professional cameras; a good powerful lighting setup and a modern smartphone will suffice. You'll spend minimal time, and the impact of placing these photos on your landing page could be significant.


As you can see, the tips provided above don't involve any "magic"; they are simple yet effective. Review your website to see if these points have been implemented, and start gradually incorporating those that you think should be added. You may notice a positive result immediately.

And if you need professional help to increase your website's conversion rate and improve UX, feel free to contact us :)



