Effective OD Intervention in simplified way
Liva Mishra
Passionate HR Professional | L&D | OD | Talent Management | Strategic HR | Employee Engagement
5 Different OD Interventions
OD interventions are the building blocks which are the planned activities designed to improve the organization’s functioning through participation of the members of the organization.
Some OD Programs may use only one or a few of these interventions, while other programs may use several of them simultaneously. Some of the many OD interventions are.
1. Diagnostic activity:
This activity involves collection of all the pertinent information about the state of the organization. This can be done through the organization’s operations records, observation of task activities, meetings with subordinates, and interviews with workers and so on. This could establish the current health of the organization.
This information is analyzed and the information as well as the analysis is communicated to members. Based on this information, as well as the feedback obtained from the members, some action plans are designed which are intended to improve the health of the organization. The feedback from members is intended to measure perceptions and attitudes such as job satisfaction, supervisory style and so on. It would help the supervisors to understand better and improve upon their relationship with their subordinates.
2. Team building:
Team building activities are designed to enhance the effectiveness and satisfaction of individuals who work in groups in order to improve the effectiveness of the entire group. It is important to recognize work group’s problems as early as possible so that solutions can be applied before the problems can do any damage.
These may be task related problems or personality conflict and personality cult problems within the group. The group’s work related issues can be streamlined by changing the way things are done, by redirecting the resources, utilized and by re-examining the work processes.
The interpersonal relationships within the team can be improved by creating the environment which is open and trustworthy, where members can openly and freely communicate their feelings and thoughts, where leadership evolves on the basis of respect and functional excellence and where conflicts are resolved on the basis of mutual understanding.
3. Sensitivity training:
Sensitivity training refers to a method of changing behaviour through unstructured group interaction. The idea is that in such training periods, the participants can openly express their ideas, beliefs, perceptions and attitudes and they learn about interpersonal behaviour. Such training could result in empathy for others, increased tolerance for individual differences, improved listening skills and greater trust in each other.
4. Intergroup relationships:
Just as there are problems within a group, there are problems among two or more different groups who are interdependent among themselves. The activities of these groups must be synchronized and coordinated to achieve the organizational goals and any unhealthy competition between the groups must be eliminated.
Other problems may involve conflicts over overlapping responsibilities or confused lines of authority. Some examples of such groups, where conflicts may lie, are sales and production, line and staff, labour and management, hospital administrators and doctors in a hospital and so on. All these problems and conflicts must be solved in a spirit of trust, goodwill and openness.
5. Process consultation:
The purpose of process consultation is for an outside OD consultant to assist the management, "to perceive, understand and act upon process events within the organization."
The consultant observes the processes such as communication patterns, decision making and leadership styles, methods of cooperation and conflict resolution among members and groups and acts as a guide or a coach who advises on how these processes can be improved.
In general, all OD efforts are designed to bring changes in the conceptual environment of an organization as well as the outlook of organizational members. Each member begins to see himself as a resource to others and is willing to lend his support to his colleagues when such support is needed.
The conceptual environment brings about open and free expression of feelings, emotions and perceptions. It also helps members to develop interpersonal competence including communication skills and an insight into themselves and others.