Effective Networking: 5 Tips from the CEO of UnameIT

Effective Networking: 5 Tips from the CEO of UnameIT

Starting a new company and making the first steps toward its expansion is always exciting. But as someone who’s been there, Ivan Dmytrasevych, CEO of UnameIT outstaffing company, knows how overwhelming it can be when it comes to bringing in new partners, leads, and clients.

After a recent trip to Oslo, Norway, where Ivan attended a networking meeting organised by the Norwegian-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce, he shared an important piece of advice for small and young companies founders:

“…Of course, references and the company brand work well, but what to do if you are the founder of a small and young company? My answer is to invest in relationships with people and build that circle.”

So, we asked Ivan to elaborate on what he thinks is fundamental to succeed in building your network of connections and utilizing it to your advantage. Here are the top 5 tips that will help you gain exposure and attract clients & partners who are eager to work with you.

#1 Do your due diligence

It's essential to understand your target audience and their needs to build strong relationships with potential customers or investors.

1. Research the companies, people, and organizations you want to connect with and use social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook, or even a simple web search to learn more about them.

2. Look for information such as their interests, recent projects, and pain points. This knowledge can help you tailor your communication and approach more effectively.

3. Ask around – friends and acquaintances can share “insider” information, too. Social connections work fairly well, and you can learn a lot about, say, a new country and its people just by talking to someone who’s recently been there. From the cost of living to the most relevant small talk topics and business ethics – you’ll be surprised how many things there are to learn about.

#2 Choose offline meetings over online communication

Although online communication has become more common, there's no substitute for face-to-face meetings. Planning offline meetings can help you establish trust and build stronger relationships.

“Call me old-fashioned, but I talked to founders of tech companies in Lviv at the end of 2022, and 12 out of 12 said they lacked socialising and live communication. I heard the same thing from founders in Norway, too. The strongest relationships are established in person because offline chats are more about communication, empathy, and getting a grasp of the person’s real mood,” – Ivan Dmytrasevych, CEO of UnameIT

Conferences, meetups, and networking events provide excellent opportunities to connect and exchange contacts. Try to attend as many of these events as possible.

#3 Start with value

When reaching out to someone, remember this motto: give value first, then ask for business. The value in question could be your expertise, industry insights, or introducing them to someone who can help them solve a problem. This approach builds trust and helps establish you as a reliable partner and decent, emphatic human being.

#4 Waste no time

Treat every second of your meeting with any person as if it’s truly priceless (because it is). They agreed to give you a couple of minutes or hours of their unparalleled attention – make sure you use this opportunity wisely.

A short self-introduction at the beginning of a conversation is allowed, but don’t turn it into a Vanity Fair. Use open-ended questions and be genuinely interested to learn about your interlocutor’s challenges & pains and understand the business, product, or service.

Engaging in active listening can help you learn what they need, tailor your pitch more effectively, and demonstrate that you can provide a solution to their problems (or at least someone from your network who can give them a helping hand).

#5 Schedule follow-ups after your meetings

A brief message to thank them for their time and highlight key takeaways from the conversation can help keep you top-of-mind when they are ready to move forward.

How can small and mid-size businesses attract more leads and partners through networking?

In conclusion, building a network and generating leads is all about establishing personal relationships, delivering value, and being proactive. Use these tips as a guide to get started, and don't be afraid to pivot and adjust your approach as needed. With time and effort, you can build a strong network and grow your business.

P.S. Ivan is planning his next networking business trip for April-May this year. If you have the desire and the opportunity to join him, reach out to Ivan via [email]



