Effective Leadership Communication: Part One

Effective Leadership Communication: Part One

Effective leadership hinges on one thing: Communication.?

At Airwave, we're all about transparency, so we asked our CEO, Pankaj Prasad , to share his top communication strategies. We’ve put them together in a three-part series for you, be sure to follow our page in order to catch them all.

Tip 1: Enforce a consistent leadership communication framework for your company. Each meeting should produce a 3 minute synopsis passed along to colleagues at the same hierarchical level (and above).

A simple example is:

Monthly All-Hands

  • All employees, led by you
  • Agenda: Company performance update, what’s new, celebrate top performers across the company

Bi-weekly division meetings

  • Led by your direct reports, attended by you
  • Agenda: Division performance update, round-table issues, acknowledge top performers within each division

Weekly team meetings

  • Led by managers, sometimes attended by you
  • Agenda: Team performance update, round-table issues, identify top performers within each team

Weekly 1:1s

  • Led by managers
  • Agenda: Individual performance update, round-table issues, identify and acknowledge top performers

Leadership communication isn't a one-size-fits-all; the best strategy is to find the rhythm that works best for you and your team, that keeps everyone on the same page.?

If you have a communication framework that works well for your team, let us know what it is in the comments below. And don’t forget to stay tuned for strategy number two coming your way next week!



