Effective Feedback - Methodology
Ambassador Paul Gitau
LMS Manager @ Platcorp Group | Learning Management System | Instructional Designer | Experiential Learning | Coaching | People Development | Global Leadership Mentor
Ensuring feedback is effective and achieves the purpose of learning and growth, it should be;
- Precise and clarity of intent: the intent here should be to help someone to grow and learn. On the other hand, if your intent is not genuine, kindly reconsider giving the feedback.
- Be specific: pointing and sharing specific observations and actions you have noticed ensures objectivity and clarity. This is greatly achieved by using the "I" message - I have observed......, I have noticed........, It has occurred to me.......,
- State the impact: as a result of the observed behaviors above, what have been the consequences? By so doing, you allow the receiver to clearly understand the consequences of their actions.
- Finally, ask and offer suggestions: encourage positive observed behaviors (reinforcing) or agree to adopt new behaviors (redirecting).
- While giving feedback, refrain from using generic or vague statements which may be construed to be extreme and insincere.
- Do not make assumptions since by so doing, feedback will be invalid and baseless. Ensure to obtain all the facts concerning the situation being addressed.
Effective feedback can be achieved by using the SBI model of giving feedback. The model highlights the SITUATION being addressed; the observable BEHAVIOR(S) from the situation; and the IMPACT of the behavior(s).