The Effective Executive - Peter F. Drucker

The Effective Executive - Peter F. Drucker

If you ever wondered aspects like IQ, Technical skills, Charisma, personality, attitude, values etc need to be aligned to a specific definition to be an effective leader, then think again.

There are no evidence which says different leaders possess similar skills. The observation is far from the above .

An effective executive need not possess same character, but they definitely need to follow similar processes and discipline.

Peter F. Drucker , fondly remembered as the 'father of modern Management' enlist 8 practices that effective leaders follow

Please find the 8 practices that Peter F. Ducker advocated in 'The effective executive' book. It requires the leader to analyse the situation and then,

  • Ask what need to be done?
  • Ask what's right for the organization?
  • Ask what should be the action plan? - Develop it.
  • Own his decisions
  • Take responsibility for communication
  • Focus and thrive on opportunities, let problems fade away in the process
  • Ensure productive meetings
  • Always speak the language of 'We' (not 'I')

Here below are some examples for each practice to make it simpler to understand

  1. What need to be done? At Amazon, they implemented a "two-pizza team" approach, where teams are kept small enough to be fed by two pizzas, to ensure that each team has a clear and focused mission. This helps to ensure that each team knows exactly what needs to be done and can stay focused on achieving their goals.Likewise, Steve Jobs was known for constantly asking what needed to be done to create groundbreaking products. He envisioned and led the development of products like the iPod, iPhone, and iPad, transforming entire industries through innovation.
  2. What's right for the organization? At IBM, they pivoted the company from a hardware-focused business to a services-focused business in the 1990s, recognizing that this was the right direction for the company in order to stay competitive and relevant in a rapidly changing market.Johnson & Johnson's answer for this question comes straight from its Credo that emphasizes putting the needs and well-being of patients first. This guiding principle ensures that decisions align with what is right for the enterprise and its commitment to health and well-being.
  3. What should be the action plan? - Develop it. At Toyota, their "Toyota Production System" is built on a foundation of detailed action plans and standardized work procedures, which help to ensure that every employee knows exactly what they need to do and how to do it in order to achieve the company's goals.
  4. Own your decisions At General Electric (GE), are well known for his "rank and yank" performance management system, where the bottom 10% of performers were identified and let go each year. This helped to ensure that decisions were made based on clear performance metrics and that employees were held accountable for their actions.Likewise, Elon Musk is known for taking personal responsibility for decisions at Tesla. He has been actively involved in product development, strategic decisions, and public communication, demonstrating accountability for the company's success.
  5. Take responsibility for communicationAt Southwest Airlines, the top management is known for their hands-on approach to communication, often personally responding to customer complaints and engaging with employees at all levels of the organization. This helped to create a culture of open and transparent communication.Similarly, Warren Buffett is a master communicator and takes responsibility for transparently communicating his investment decisions and strategies. His annual letters to shareholders are known for their clarity and insights, setting an example for effective communication
  6. Focus and thrive on opportunitiesAt Google, the company's "moonshot" approach to innovation encourages employees to focus on big, audacious goals and to think creatively about how to achieve them. This helps to ensure that the company is always looking for new opportunities and is not bogged down by day-to-day problems.Similarly, When faced with challenges in the DVD rental business, Netflix's leadership, including Reed Hastings, shifted focus to the opportunity in streaming. This strategic pivot transformed Netflix into a leading global streaming platform
  7. Ensure productive meetingsAt Apple, former CEO Steve Jobs was known for his strict meeting protocols, including requiring that attendees be prepared with detailed agendas and that meetings start and end on time. This helped to ensure that meetings were focused, productive, and efficient.Similarly, Amazon emphasizes efficient and productive meetings through its leadership principles. The company encourages the use of structured, data-driven discussions, ensuring that meetings are focused, goal-oriented, and result in actionable outcomes.
  8. Always speak the language of 'We' (not 'I')Procter & Gamble encourages a collaborative culture where teams work together to achieve common goals. This 'We' mindset has been integral to P&G's success in developing and marketing consumer goods.


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