Schr?ter Technologie GmbH & Co. KG
Führender Anbieter von thermischen Anlagensystemen für die Lebensmittelverarbeitung.
The operation of hot smoke, cooking, and blast chilling systems generates process water, and similar to cleaning water, it needs to be drained from the system. To accomplish this task, SCHR?TER offers various drainage solutions.
Schr?ter always recommends the most suitable model based on the customers’ needs and the structure of the production facility. In this context, the equipment manufacturer also takes the applicable regulations in different countries into account. For example, in some countries, the inside of the system is not allowed to be connected to the drainage system. Regardless of the selected model, the goal is to drain the water as quickly as possible. In addition to the standard solutions presented here, Schr?ter also develops special solutions based on customers’ specific needs.
Here the system is positioned horizontally and has a funnel-shaped slope to the drain. The advantage is that both the entrance and exit are at the same level. Since the water remains inside and drains out directly, only a small amount of residual water remains on the floor of the unit. This model has an impressive drainage performance. The only disadvantage is that preparing the floor of that system is slightly more complex.
This solution is selected quite often since it offers the best drainage performance. It is an optimized version of the central drain which is designed as a lengthwise trough-channel. Since the drainage trough runs along the entire length of the system, only a small amount of residual water remains on the floor. Furthermore, it slopes at a much lower angle since the drain does not end at one point. In addition, the areas of floor on the sides slope only slightly, which is why this form of drainage is best suited to production systems with conveyor (such as #SEMIjet). Schr?ter offers this solution either with a drain in the center or with a U-shaped pipe installed at the threshold to the outside of the system.
In this case, the system is positioned on a slight incline with a slope toward the drainage side. The opposite side is elevated. Preparing the floor for this solution is extremely easy. In addition, the U-shaped pipe required is affordable and can be cleaned easily. The U-pipe can also be drained
at the threshold to the external side of the system or in a trough in front of the system. Draining performance is not as good as the first two solutions, however.
When floor-preparation is not possible, this solution is a good option. It is relatively simple and affordable. The drain in the door panel with a mechanical or pneumatic flap can only be used with smaller systems that are a maximum of two trolleys deep. Draining performance is similar to that of the U-shaped pipe.
Further information about smoking can be found on our website. If you have any questions, get in touch with our technology team at [email protected].
Source: Meeting Point No. 37 (MP37)
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