Effective debtor management
CPA James Wakaro
Specialist in: ?External Audit ? Internal Audit ?Tax Advisory ?Tax Compliance? Accounting ?Bookkeeping ?Tax Planning
Effective debtor management pays off
Debtors are your customers. It is important to have a good relationship with them. But poorly paying customers cause stress and financial trouble. A tight credit control policy
A debtor is a customer or client who has received an invoice from you, but has not yet paid. Debtors (accounts receivable) fall under assets on your balance sheet. The debtor’s counterpart is a creditor. A creditor is a company, institution, or person whose invoice you still need to pay. On your balance sheet, creditors are listed under debts: liabilities.
Debtor management
Debtor management, or credit control, is everything you do to get your clients and customers to pay their invoice as soon as possible. For the cash flow of your company, it is important to keep the item ‘debtors’ on your balance sheet as low as possible compared to your turnover. You then have more money available to pay your costs. Debtor risk is the risk of your debtor not paying their bill (on time).
Debtor management literally means managing your debtors. Good debtor management helps you to get your money (on time) and thus directly affects your cash flow. Debtor management starts before you enter into an agreement with your customer and ends when the invoice is paid.
Ensure that your clients and customers pay on time
The following tips will help you ensure that your clients and/or customers pay on time: