Effective Customer Service Skills
Many times when we hear the term Customer Service Representative we think of the person who's job is to field customer questions and complaints. In today's world, the role is much more complex which in turn requires some very important skills.
- Personal Skills - When working with customers, one must have patience, discipline, humility, the ability to let things roll off your back to keep a positive attitude.
- Communication Skills - Every customer is different. This is why you must always be able to adapt your style to the person you are working with. Maybe you need to slow down, speed up, take more time to explain things to name a few. But to be successful and get to the end result, you must adjust accordingly and communicate with a smile in your voice.
- Listening Skills - We have all been in the situation when you are speaking to someone and the other party either cuts you off or repeats inaccurate information from your request. This leads to some serious frustration. Working with customers is no different. They are reaching out for a reason so don't hear them, listen to them.
- Good Memory - Remember the TV show 'Cheers' where everyone knew your name? Customer service is no different. Make the customer feel special. When you can recall who they are and some of their past history, they remember that and are more willing to stay. Plus it gives you the upper hand for the rest of your call/meeting.
- Sales Skills - One thing I have learned in my past experiences is everyone is a sales person. Your title doesn't have to say it however anytime you are working with a customer, you are selling something. It may be products, services or your company. Be the best sales person you can be!
Some may say this is common knowledge but take a moment to reflect on some of your past experiences or even how you have dealt with customers in certain situations. If it was so common there would not be continuous trainings, articles and focus on this very topic. Next time you are in a customer service situation ask yourself one simple questions --- "Am I giving the customer all I have?"