Effective Communication Tips for Small Businesses
Kevie Hendrix, MBA
@theDLAguru | DLA Consultant | Business Development Manager | Mechanical Engineer | MBA
As a Small Business Owner, effectively communicating with the right people can sometimes be a challenge. Utilizing multiple communication channels and being persistent when working with busy support services is key. Here are some top tips to keep in mind:
1. Don't just rely on email. While e-mail is a convenient way to send information, the person you're trying to reach may be more responsive to a follow-up phone call and voicemail. This ensures your message gets through, rather than potentially getting lost in their inbox.
2. Pay attention to the office hours and availability of the people you need to contact. Knowing the optimal times to connect can increase your chances of getting a timely response. For example, some contacts may be more accessible early in the week versus later on.
3. When leaving a voice-mail, be sure to provide key details like your name, any relevant context (such as a previous e-mail), and what you need help with. This gives the recipient a clear understanding of the situation and what you're looking for, making it easier for them to follow up accordingly.
4. If you don't hear back in a reasonable time-frame, don't be afraid to reach out to additional resources that may be able to provide guidance on the next steps. This could involve contacting a Small Business Support Organization or government agency that specializes in assisting entrepreneurs.
The key is using a multi-pronged approach and being persistent when communicating with busy Small Business Support Services. Hopefully these tips can help other Small Business Owners navigate similar situations effectively.
If you're interested in diving deeper into Government Contracting strategies, I offer 1-on-1 Consulting Sessions. Reach out to me at [email protected] to learn more.
Also, check out my topic-related YouTube video: https://youtu.be/oeAUHPYHYKA
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To Success!
-Kevie Hendrix, @theDLAguru
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