The Effect of Technology on Language Teaching Methodology


It would be useful to start the article by defining the keywords that will be used hereafter. First I would like to start with the definition of Language education, according to (Wikipedia, 2020) language education is the process and practice of teaching a language as a second or foreign one. It is a branch of applied linguistics but can be an interdisciplinary field. Many methods could be used in Language education started from simple and straightforward ones until you can reach the most complicated and developed ones. Technology according to the Cambridge Dictionary, technology is knowledge, equipment, and methods that are used in science and industry. When we start discussing technology most probably the first thing that came to our minds is computer-based technology. However, it is not fair to consider computer-based technologies as the only or the main method used as a technological means in a classroom space. (Chun et al., 2016). While Educational materials could be defined as any visual and auditory pieces, textbooks, and items that enhance student understanding of the subject matter. Research on using technology in education has been increased recently so the purpose of this article is to review the historical development of technology use and put together the key findings on two levels. The first is on the classroom level where the education is taking place in a face-to-face approach and on a virtual level where education is provided remotely where the dependency on technology is much higher not only as an assisting tool but also as a mediating tool to provide education. I will try also to explain the advantages and disadvantages of using technology for educational purposes. Many tools have been used such as computers, robots, mobile phones, social networking, etc. for language education. These tools have been injected with developing operating systems like artificial intelligence and other innovations to make them more accessible and interactive (Crompton et al., 2020). 

Integration of Technology into Language Education (Physical Situation) 

From a historical point of view, we can consider that computer-assisted language learning (CALL) is the first remarkable usage of technology for language education purposes. This approach has passed through three phases, 1) it started with focusing only on testing accuracy. By the time it developed to 2) focus on meaning and process, and finally and most importantly 3) the computer served as a tool for online and instant communication, learning, and information management purposes. The emergence of the internet and technology inspired teachers and curricula designers to make use of technology to enhance learning and develop the classroom atmosphere (Arnó-macià, 2016). However, for some teachers and educators, the existence of technology was a threatening practice. Some educators considered the extensive usage of technology could negatively affect learners in general and especially those who do not have enough skills to deal with the provided technology. Putting learners randomly in a virtual world different from the real one they are living in could be also very alarming. Researchers concluded that technology should be used carefully and should be considered as an assisting instrument, not as a replacement of the teacher position or as a creator of a psychological issue for learners. (Chun et al., 2016). (TILFARLIO?LU & KUMRAL, 2019) has discussed the role of technology and its relation to innovation. They concluded that technology has provided a positive effect on education and is considered one of the most important not only for learners but also for teachers. They explain that there is a possibility to combine technology and teaching methods. In a recent pilot of using 360 camera technology in language teaching classroom (Smith et al., 2020) have concluded that among many other means of language teaching methods a novel and innovative ideas should be brought to ELT to meet the rapid change in the context, however, we have to make sure it fit for purpose and the impact should be evident based validated. 

Integration of Technology into Language Education (Virtual Situation) 

Distance learning has been used for years especially in language education. It started on a small scale providing opportunities for people who work or oversee to continue their learning and especially mastering new languages which could open closed doors in front of their career development.(Connell, 2009) The COVID-19 pandemic has forced almost all universities and schools to unwillfully shift from the face to face education to distance or hybrid moods. This shift forced educators to start large scale adaptation in teaching practice. It was a big issue regarding classroom-based education to keep the engagement of all the students on the same level. Several applications are used such as MS. Teams, Zoom, or university-owned apps which could already be purchased for specific purposes. It was obvious that using these apps as an alternative means for face-to-face learning would be not enough without significant adaptation of the materials and technology which have mentioned already in the previous part of this article. Some schools adopted the blended model where some already prepared media contents were merged with face-to-face education as a complementary tool. Another initiative that is assumed to work better has been adopted. This approach is called extensive versus intensive online learning experiences, it gives more ownership for students to bring new ideas and engaged in breakout rooms discussion with others in order not to stay all the time in the plenary rooms. (Bryson et al., 2020) Technology has provided communication not only by audio calls but also by using the video-conferences technologies which provide a semi-real life situation. However, it is still challenging to have the same impact of the face-to-face situation because of the distractions and the misinterpreted actions. There is also another concern for educators which is making sure that the suitable context which is intended to teach language has been created in the virtual world that technology has created. Like eye tracking, body language, and other discourse components (Chun et al., 2016). Though new technologies can enable learners and instructors to make more efficient use of time by moving certain language learning activities out of the classroom, it is important to design and implement a pedagogically valid curriculum. (Kubler, 2017). 

It is believed by (Chun et al., 2016) and others that distance learning could overcome geographical distance and time constraints on one hand and could provide access to authentic sources from another hand. It provides a gateway for students to meet across the board using technology as a mediating tool for communication. Thus, the Internet becomes not only a teaching tool but also a learning goal, given the pervasive use of online communication in academic and professional communities (Arnó-macià, 2016). Chun on the contrary believed that our message regarding the usage of technology should not be seen as a panacea, or an ultimate goal, but rather as one means to support specific learning goals. No matter how the tools will vary, it should be adapted according to the learners’ abilities and interests, the kinds of resources available, and the academic culture of the institution..(Chun et al., 2016).

Advantages of Using Technology and Material in ELT 


(Suardi & Hamid, 2013) has concluded that learning a language could be a kind of habit or a need related to learner objective, in the situation where he did his research it was connected with the religious need of Indonesian students to learn Arabic in an Islamic school but he added that the form of learning must be enjoyable so students can be motivated to continue act as an external stimulus for learners, even if the main purpose was not learning specific learning but to use it as a mean. 

Flexibility and autonomy 

It is believed that technology could be used more flexibly than the physical one, it decreases distance, provides flexibility regarding times. It is also assumed that the best use of technology could develop learner autonomy where learners can use the technology to access new authentic sources and support in writing, spelling, and other learning skills. (TILFARLIO?LU & KUMRAL, 2019) has spoken about the ability for students to access the instructional content online without the necessity to be present in one place and they can use the information which could be prepared in a form of videos or other types of media. 7 

Disadvantages of Using Technology and Material in ELT 

Misuse of technology 

As mentioned by many researchers including (Chun et al., 2016) that teachers are feeling threatened by technology and could be understood as a replacement of teacher traditional role as the source of knowledge. It is also could have cultural concerns where learners’ caregivers could not understand well how learners are going to use this technology. 

psychological effects 

(Crompton et al., 2020) has concluded that advocacy to use technology should not be random and should depend on research-based evidence. These researches should take into account students’ perception, cognition, metacognition, and effective as well as psychological responses requires. It should come with clear usage instructions for students and teachers and any other operator involved. 


Technology goes without saying as one of the best innovation methodologies in language education. It was clear throughout the article that the advantages of technology are vast and significant. Even the disadvantages it is not related to the technology itself but rather to the misuse of it. The methodology can play a significant role in learner autonomy by providing access to a wide range of authentic materials in different modalities (text, audio, image, video, etc.) it could also provide the possibility of instant interaction and exchange with 8 

partners worldwide. (Arnó-macià, 2016). The affordability and constraints that technology is operating within could not make the option of using it available on the same level for all students and teachers. It will have a higher impact on remote learning than the face-to-face one (Chun et al., 2016). It is still considered that online learning was accepted by students as a necessary response to COVID-19 and social distancing. however, students missed being o campus and being able to engage in proximate learning encounters. (Bryson et al., 2020). There is much to do on improving technology and its relationship with language education. Researchers should find a valid and reliable tool to measure the impact of technology and how to measure students' and teachers' perceptions of this innovative methodology. 


Arnó-macià, E. (2016). The Role of Technology in Teaching Languages for Specific Purposes Courses. The Modern Language Journal, 96(1991–2012), 89–104. 

Bryson, J. R., Andres, L., Bryson, J. R., & Andres, L. (2020). Covid-19 and rapid adoption and improvisation of online teaching : curating resources for extensive versus intensive online learning experiences. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 00(00), 1–16. 

Chun, D., Smith, B., & Kern, R. (2016). Technology in Language Use, Language Teaching, and Language Learning. Modern Language Journal, 100, 64–80. 

Connell, J. (2009). Good and bad eLearning. Australian College of Educators ? Acer, 24–27. 9 

Crompton, H., Bernacki, M., & Greene, J. A. (2020). Psychological foundations of emerging technologies for teaching and learning in higher education. Current Opinion in Psychology, 36, 101–105. 

Kubler, C. C. (2017). Developing course materials for technology- mediated Chinese language learning. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 0(0), 1–9. 

Smith, H., Townsend, S. D. C., Smith, H., & Townsend, S. D. C. (2020). Investigating the efficacy of utilizing 360 ° camera technology as a language teaching and learning tool in a science content based EFL classroom . Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 0(0), 1–13. 

Suardi, I., & Hamid, S. (2013). Technology on Language Teaching and Learning : A Research on Indonesian Pesantren. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 83, 585–589. 

TILFARLIO?LU, F. Y., & KUMRAL, M. (2019). The Relat?onsh?p Between Culture, Methodology, Technology And Innovat?on In Engl?sh Language Teach?ng And Learn?ng. In M. KILI? & M. ERASLAN (Eds.), EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES PROCEEDING BOOK (pp. 131–136). Asos Yay?nevi 1st. 

Wikipedia. (2020). Language Education

The END 


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Zekeriya Gül (Zakaria Kallo)

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Great job


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