In Vedic astrology, "exaltation" and "retrograde" refer to two distinct concepts that describe the conditions and behavior of planets in a birth chart. Let’s understand it step by step.

Exalted Planet

A planet is considered exalted when it is placed in a sign where it expresses its energy most powerfully and harmoniously. Exaltation is like a planet being in its peak form, where it can perform its highest potential and give its best results.

When a planet is exalted, it indicates that the qualities it represents (e.g., Sun: leadership, Moon: emotions, Jupiter: wisdom) are expressed in a strong way in the person's life. An exalted planet generally brings all results, though the exact outcomes depend on other factors in the chart.

Debilitated planet :

Debilitation deals with the luminosity of a planet.

A debilitated planet is just like a bright light becoming dim but still the dim light does its works in the darkness to show us the path.

When a very bright light torch stops working then at night even a candle becomes very handy to brighten the area and give us a relief from the pitch-dark night.

A debilitated planet is like a candle which doesn’t loose its quality of removing the darkness.

A planet in a rashi and its nakshatra loses its intensity, its brightness and thus become dim, without losing its significances as per that horoscope.

One should not take that a debilitated planets will always give negative results in vedic astrology. It will definitely give the results as per the significance of that planet in that horoscope and it can be positive or negative as per the horoscope.

Retrograde planet :

retrogression of a planet deals with the motion of the planet.

In vedic astrology retrograde / vakri planet means planet moving in reverse motion.

In reality no planets moves in reverse direction nor do they change the direction of their motion ( forward or backward ) at any given time. Its only considered in vedic astrology.

The reason why do planets become retrograde need a step by step explanations.

As per astrology we consider the earth as a central planet and the other planets moving around the earth including the sun.

In reality all the earth along with other planets are moving around the sun.

Effect of retrograde planets when exaltation and debilitation in Vedic astrology.

A planet in its exaltation and also retrograde at the same time will delay the results a bit BUT will not deny the results.

A planet in its debilitation and also retrograde at the same time will further delay the results as well as the quality of the results bit BUT will not deny the results.

In both the cases the results will be as per the significance of the planet as per that horoscope and so the results will vary from horoscope to horoscope.

Here a planet having good significance to give good results, because of retrograde of the exalted planet will delay and slow the positive results which is bad luck for the native.

A planet having negative significance to give bad results, because of retrograde of the debilitated will further delay and slow the negative results which is a boon in disguise for the native. Its good luck for the native.

The results will vary from horoscope to horoscope due to the different positions of the planets.

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