Effect of probe diffusion on the SOFI imaging accuracy
Volodymyr Nechyporuk-Zloy
10%+ Growth Driver | Manager | Microscopist | DL Imaging
Effect of probe diffusion on the SOFI imaging accuracy
Wim Vandenberg & Peter Dedecker
?Live-cell super-resolution fluorescence imaging is becoming commonplace for exploring biological systems, though sample dynamics can affect the imaging quality. In this work we evaluate the effect of probe diffusion on super-resolution optical fluctuation imaging (SOFI), using a theoretical model and numerical simulations based on the imaging of live cells labelled with photochromic fluorescent proteins. We find that, over a range of physiological conditions, fluorophore diffusion results in a change in the amplitude of the SOFI signal. The magnitude of this change is approximately proportional to the on-time ratio of the fluorophores. However, for photochromic fluorescent proteins this effect is unlikely to present a significant distortion in practical experiments in biological systems. Due to this lack of distortions, probe diffusion strongly enhances the SOFI imaging by avoiding spatial undersampling caused by the limited labeling density.