Effect Central Harmony
What does it mean to "effect central harmony" in our lives? If we center ourselves when we awake each morning and reflect on these truths, our lives become much more peaceful and harmonious:
Faith is trusting that good experiences are coming to us; fear is trusting that bad experiences are coming to us. Both require faith in something that cannot be seen so why not make a decision to live a faith-based life and trust that many blessings will be ours today. Think positive. Outside events only have power over our minds if we let them. Practice gratitude and count your blessings instead of your problems.
You're never stuck unless you say you are. Be the energy you want to attract. Be who you needed when you were younger for someone else. You're more likely to fail at endeavors that your heart is not really into, so dream your own dreams and reach for your own vision every day. Believing is seeing. Don't focus on your fears. Direct all of your energy towards your dreams. The first time you succeed at something doubters claimed you'd fail at is the beginning of living a life of faith. Don't accept anyone trying to limit your growth. Stick with people who encourage you and believe in your great potential. The world is a beautiful place if we choose to focus our energy on the positive aspects of life.