EFCEM President’s Report; General Assembly June 2022
EFCEM AGM 2022 Attendees in Barcelona

EFCEM President’s Report; General Assembly June 2022

President’s Report, Mr Phil Williams

I would firstly like to pay tribute to our colleagues, Fabio Gargantini and Bryan Whittaker MBE for the long service to both EFCEM and the wider European Catering Industry, their skill sets, endless work ethic and dedication to our Industry will be sadly missed, both were characters in their own right, both very knowledgeable and experienced season campaigners.

I would like to especially thank Fabio for taking the lead and steering everyone through a vigorous series of debates and generally arriving at a consensus. We now have the difficult task of finding a suitable replacement for Fabio as Secretary General, a process that starts now and will take several months.

As Europe and the rest of the world continues to recover from the last two years of the COVID Pandemic and the subsequent widespread economic turmoil that we are all still coming to terms with, EFCEM needs to continue to play an important proactive role within Europe, supporting and speaking as a unified voice for the European commercial catering manufacturers and industry interests.

I would also like to thank the Executive Directors and Representatives of all the National Associations for their time and insight that has aided the successful development of Working Group activities within the EFCEM structure over the last two years and for their continued support going forward in these difficult times.

Once again this year as with previous years, I think it is important to recognise and thank the individual Working Group Convenors for the commitment and efforts and their many communications over the last twelve months and in keeping all working group members fully engaged. Thank you also to the national association members and individuals who have provided input over the last year. Thank You!

We now enter a new chapter for EFCEM. I look forward to the future of EFCEM under the guidance over the next twelve months of the EFCEM Board and with the support of all the National Associations in addressing the many important issues that are facing the commercial catering industry in this coming challenging post pandemic era.

I welcome and look forward to the return of the next Global Summit, re-engaging on issues around data communication, machine intelligence, challenges of the Circular Economy and global energy efficiency issues as we move out of this global pandemic phase.

EFCEM will continue to represent industry on EU Policy, Directive and Regulations as well as co-ordinating Standard work and responding to member questions, no other organisation has this authority, mandate or role in our sector.

Our strategy moving forward continues to be to maintain, develop and improve EFCEM’s position as the leading voice for professional cooking equipment manufacturers in Europe.

Phil Williams,

EFCEM President?


If you would like to join EFCEM or speak to one of the group convenors to find out more about the work that EFCEM does then please feel free to contact them directly.

EFCEM Convenor Contacts

Working Group One and Four: BIM and Connectivity

Convener contact [email protected]


Working Group Two: Environmental Matters

Convener contact [email protected]


Working Group Three: Safety, Hygiene, Potability of Water

Convener contact [email protected]?


Working Group Four: Connectivity

Convener [email protected]?


Working Group Five: Marketing

Convener contact [email protected]?


