eeVRee at Testing United Conference
Did you know, that eeVRee was a major part of a Testing United conference at O2 Universum in Prague back in 2022??
eeVRee offered participants the opportunity to take part in the conference full remote and at the same time onsite participants to try out the possibilities of using virtual reality such as: Video games Application or even Testing the headset.
What it looked like??
In 3D Virtual Reality, participants had the opportunity to switch between two tracks and thus could enjoy together 20 inspirational speakers of our conference. We have created 1:1 environment with a Unreal Engine technique and added minigames like bouldering or darts for fun as well.?
What had to be done
The first early design was created on the image of Testing United 2019 Vienna, and this was the sort of entry level for us recreating assets from images and using 3D designing tools. We had some understanding of our target hardware at this stage.
Our team worked on multiple challenges. One of the competences was to create an functional app for a onsite delegates tickets and for remote accessing delegates as well. We then successfully kicked off the final version of the app made in flutter. We have also created an app for turning on and off the asking of questions for individual presentations between tracks.
We are happy, that we will be part of TU 2023 once again!
The vision of the metaverse - a permanent virtual world in which everyone can participate - was born in the minds of science fiction authors, but today it is shaping the real ambitions of the world's leading brands. In the new era after COVID-19, the metaverse has become more than just a simple game or platform, and that is why the conference theme is "2023: Tester's place in Universe, Metaverse & Beyond". Practical examples, inspiring solutions and innovations, all of which you can implement in your work or in your own business story. Whether you're ready or not, the Metaverse will change the world as we know it in the coming decade. Experienced speakers will outline the changes facing the testing community. Each of them will show you their piece of the puzzle and after 2 days of the conference you will get a complete picture of their story.
If you would like to join our conference, or try the solution of VR for your conference or event, do not hesitate to contact us on: [email protected], +421 910 662 552