EEOC Actions in the First Half of 2024
In the first six months of 2024, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has pursued nearly $4M in settlements. Take a moment to consider if your company could afford an unplanned $100k hit to the bottom line. Taking proactive steps will help you avoid unnecessary penalties and, more importantly, positively impact your workforce culture, which can improve productivity and, thus, financial results. Don't hesitate to get in touch with me to learn more about how Diversity Works can help.
The industries most affected include healthcare, food services, and transportation. Drawing from our "Why Employees Sue" webinar, here are three key takeaways:
In case you missed it, the August 2022 DEI Leader Network webinar featuring Edgar Ndjatou from Workplace Fairness . We discussed how inconsistent performance criteria, hostile work environments, and violations of wage/hour laws are the top reasons employees sue.
For more insights, read our blog post or watch the video on our YouTube channel. The handout from the discussion is also available here. Let us know if there are topics you'd like to see covered in future DEI Leader Network discussions.