EEG/TMS projects, community college fellows, and more
Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute
Dedicated to understanding how the brain gives rise to mental life and behavior, in health and in disease.
As we head into summer, Brain Broadcast will take a short break and return at the start of the new academic year with?more exciting news and events.
Institute Announcements
EEG and TMS Pilot Grant Awardees
The Koret Human Neurosciences Community Lab at Wu Tsai Neuro awarded its inaugural pilot grants to ten innovative, cross-disciplinary projects to researchers of all career stages. Please join us in welcoming the first round of?Human Neuro Pilot Grants! ?The Application for a second round of Koret Human Neuro Grants is open until Friday, June 17, at 11:59pm PT.?Learn more and apply.
Introducing our 2024 Community College Fellows
Please join us in welcoming this year's Neuroscience Undergraduate Research Opportunity - Community College (NeURO-CC) fellows! The NeURO-CC program supports local community college students by introducing them to scientific research. They join a neuroscience laboratory at Stanford and conduct research full-time during the summer. ?
Upcoming events
Featured Events
Pathways to Neurosciences Social 2024 | Pathways Spring Social
Late-stage grad students and early-stage postdoc fellows who conduct neuroscience research and identify as being from an underrepresented group are invited to join us for food, drinks, and information about our?Pathways to Neurosciences Program.
Thurs, June 20, 2024 | 4:00 pm (Add to calendar). Registration required.
SAVE THE DATE | Brains and Machines: Co-Evolution of the Neurosciences and AI
The 11th Annual Wu Tsai Neuro Symposium will showcase the intersection of neuroscience and AI, explore how AI tools can advance our understanding of the brain, and feature a Stanford neuroscience poster session.?
Thurs, Oct 20, 2024 | 9:00 pm (Add to calendar). Registration required—coming soon!
Upcoming Events
Neurofeedback Lunch Series | Jacob Hull -?Using machine learning to identify governing equations for absence seizure generation
Fri, June 21?2024?| 3?pm (Add to calendar).
Consciousness & Reality Colloquium Series | The Neurology of Consciousness: From Recovery after Coma to Meditation Wed, June 12, 10am. Virtual event.
Stanford Program on Research Rigor & Reproducibility | ReproducibiliTea - Stanford Wed, June 12, 12pm.
Wu Tsai Neuro |?From Our Neurons to Yours
Tune in to?season 4 of our podcast! Follow the latest episodes, where we explore the frontiers of neuroscience to understand what makes us human.
Programming Announcement
As we head into summer, we will move to an every-other-week schedule.
We talk with Stanford neurobiologist Carla Shatz about brain plasticity, why our brains get worse at learning as we age, and what we can do about it.
Stanford Neuroscience in the news
Wu Tsai Neuro Faculty Scholar Dan Yamins, Institute affiliate Kalanit Grill-Spector, and PhD alum Eshed Margalit have made a major stride in using AI to replicate how the brain organizes sensory information to make sense of the world, opening up new frontiers for virtual neuroscience.
Stanford Medicine | Myelination in the brain may be key to ‘learning’ opioid addiction
A study in mice by Wu Tsai Neuro affiliate Michelle Monje and team has found that the process of adaptive myelination, which helps the brain learn new skills, can also promote addiction to opioids.
Stanford Medicine |?Study reveals brain mechanisms behind speech impairment in Parkinson’s
Most Parkinson’s disease patients struggle with speech problems. New research by Wu Tsai Neuro affiliates Weidong Cai and Vinod Menon uncovers the brain connections that could be essential to preserving speech.
Stanford Report | Sleep study finds night owl behavior could harm mental health
In a new, large-scale study of sleep behavior, Wu Tsai Neuro affiliate Jamie Zeitzer and team found that night owls don’t thrive late at night.
African turquoise killifish have evolved diapause relatively recently by reusing ancient genes, according to a study by Wu Tsai Neuro affiliate Anne Brunet and team.
Get Involved
Open Applications
Application deadline: June 17, 2024 Whether this is your first time using EEG or TMS technologies, or you are an experienced researcher who wishes to pilot novel techniques or gather preliminary data for a new research direction, we encourage you to apply for the second round of Koret Human Neuroscience Grants, hosted by the Koret Human Neurosciences Community Lab. Learn more and apply.
Shared resources
Our community labs?are collaborative hubs for?interdisciplinary discovery, engineering, and translational health research, providing shared access to cutting-edge technologies and expertise.
Brain Omics Central encourages research partners to utilize the?advanced omics technologies at the Knight Initiative's Brain Resilience Laboratory to explore and enhance resilient brain aging. They provide expert guidance in experimental design, state-of-the-art sequencing and proteomics equipment, and access to an expanding collection of unique aging brain datasets. Submit your interest form.
Ongoing Seminar Series
?? Wu Tsai Neuro Seminar Series
Wu Tsai Neuro hosts several seminar series to bring together the Stanford neuroscience community and advance cross-disciplinary research. These seminars gather some of the brightest minds in the field, bringing together experts and trainees to discuss cutting-edge research. Learn more about ongoing seminars.
?? Workshop Series
?The?Data Best Practices Workshop Series?provides hands-on introductions and training to educate and empower Stanford neuroscience and broader research communities to acquire, store, and analyze their data more effectively.
Recent happenings at Wu Tsai Neuro
Community Science Share Out
The MBCT and NeuroTech student committees brought together the community to discuss ongoing projects to celebrate the end of the scholastic year.
Aging Research Seminar
The Knight Initiative for Brain Resilience kicked off its new Aging Research Seminar Series with a talk by Ursula Jakob on "Early life ROS as modulators of lifespan and age-associated diseases."
Neurosciences Seminar
In the final seminar of the 2023–2024 series, Michael H?usser discussed "Illuminating causal links between neural circuit activity and behavior." The 2024–25 Series will start in the fall.
Contact Brain Broadcast
We want to hear from you!
Is there an announcement, upcoming event or news item you want to share with the Wu Tsai Neuro community? Do you have feedback about the Brain Broadcast newsletter? We want to hear from you.? Contact us at [email protected].