Inventor, Keep The Flag In View (KTFIV) 2-in-1 Chart And Board Game; CEO, Ideas Concepts and Products (ICP Media); Pornstar!
Britain's image needs to be worked on. This is more than just the usual damage repair kind of thing. It requires a top to bottom level overhauling.
A lot of things responsible for this are too obvious. Unfair charges that are lopsided with no basis; Govt officials that tinker with housing data at the expense of residents and even pronouncements by Govt that could be faulted by kindergarten children!
It is in Britain that the Biometric ID Universal Credit number contains the triple six digits clearly marked as a number to be avoided in the Bible! As if that's not enough the Prime Minister in announcing the third lockdown had to note that there are '26626' cases of COVID-19 patients in hospitals across England as at the time he made the announcement. Who wouldn't know that the number is again deliberately being played up here to scare those who dread it?
Kindergarten 'Dennis the Menace' games from such high quarters!
The problem is things like this have their knock off/Domino effect. So smaller organisations, especially those with Govt input, easily follow suit.
A good example is an issue related to EE! What right does the mobile network operator outfit have to monitor the frequency of one's personal calls? I had a call within a month from a board member/officer I belong to. I've received texts from people on my phone even up till today that EE contacted me. But EE still feels it has the right to tell me I haven't 'used' my phone with the following text message:
"Hi, it seems quite a while since you last made a call, sent a text or used data. It's important that you use your phone otherwise you may lose your number...'. 'Bla bla bla bla...'!
Seriously? I mean, EE, are you really serious?
You are monitoring my phone to see when I make a call, send a text or use it? What else do you monitor and take serious note of? How many times I send a message to a girlfriend. The XXX sites I visit? The contacts and names of my business contacts (since part of my business is in competition with you/Biz owned by the UK Govt)? What else?
Under data regulations, you don't in anyway get to monitor such, just for sheer profit and your personal benefit purposes. Besides, if I received a phone call and answered it less than a month ago and received text up till the day you got in touch, where does the issues of 'quite a while' arise?
Those who reach the conclusion that Britain is in the Business of selling out what's in favour of the masses to the highest bidder would not be accused of being far from the truth if evidence like this continually abounds; suggesting the might of organisations and Govt. is being used at the expense of everyone else.
How can you consider a number I registered and used for well over five years (to replace the number on my stolen phone); A number people have come to know with me, just like that?
If I conclude that this move is motivated by and in favour business competitors who don't want prospective/possible clients to contact me, who would argue that I am off point?
Besides, it was the same EE that rested my number ending 145. A number I obtained myself in 2005 and ported from Vodaphone to Virgin and later to EE (then T-Mobile) after relocating to the UK from Nigeria. I had issues with the number after using it for over five years as a Pastor with Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries (MFM) and moved on, as members continued to contact me, thinking I was still a Pastor with the Ministry.
MFM didn't obtain or secure the phone number or a phone for me?
MFM never paid or even offered to pay a penny for my phone bills?
But after I left MFM the ministry was concerned that members continued to contact me as my number was on their site as a branch Pastor; and despite I told callers making enquires regarding the Ministry I no longer worked with MFM, EE just rested the number one day and told me when I bothered to ask I couldn't use it anymore?
No plausible explanation. No justifiable reason. I couldn't use that number anymore was it! that's all!
These are big issue that affect UK's image; but, despite, the country is still jostling to take over businesses being set up by entrepreneurs by the day!
This is only the reason why frauds and rogues from a country like Nigeria, where I'm from, flock to Britain and see it as a haven/heaven of some sort, while the rest, are asked to pay horrendous tax/charges/forfeit their business/business ideas for govt, and no matter how resourceful or productive are expected to live/end up living on Benefit!
President Meryl Moss Media Group--Publicity, Marketing and Social Media / Publisher and CEO Meridian Editions
3 个月Bode, thanks for sharing! How are you doing?