Edwards' Weekly Newsletter
412th Test Wing, Edwards Air Force Base
"The center of the aerospace testing universe"
Want to work at the Center of the Aerospace Testing Universe? Check out available positions on Edwards AFB
Biden selects Col. Doug Wickert to be Air Force general
Edwards Airmen officially become ceremonial guardsmen
Taking care of America’s military in need
AFRL-developed physiological monitoring system undergoes flight tests
High-Five Line-Up at Bailey Elementary
Military and civilian families and friends?formed a line in front of Bailey Elementary School to cheer up Bailey Elementary School students as they walked in?the school on April 15.?
Earth Day: Planet vs. Plastic
The event will highlight conservation efforts on the base, as well as local companies and organizations that focus on sustainable and environmentally friendly practices.
WHEN: Thursday, April 18, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
WHERE: Integrated Support Facility, Bldg. 4825 (NASA)
Chapel team’s Airmen Resiliency Day (RSVP by April 17)
WHAT: Hike the Culver City trail and stairs!
WHO: Inviting all E-4 & below Airmen
WHY:?Taking care of our Airman’s Spiritual and Mental Fitness is our #1 priority. This resiliency event is one of many that enhances an Airman’s capabilities to the fight.
WHEN: Friday, April 19. We’ll meet at Higher Grounds?(across from Dorms buildings)?at 7:30 a.m., then travel by GOV van to Culver City. We will return by 2:30 p.m.?
COST: FREE but please bring your own lunch or lunch money (estimate $15-$25 per person).?Transportation provided; seats limited; carpool welcomed.
RSVP: NLT April 17 to?[email protected]
KNOCKOUT: Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month (SAAPM)
WHEN: Friday, April 19, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
REGISTER:?https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090D4FAEAD29A7F94-48575881-dodgeball NLT April 19
CONTACT:?Master Sgt. Grace Fourqurean at?7-3846
Air Force Plant 42 Earth Day 2024
WHEN: Friday, April 19, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.
WHO: Open to the public
WHERE:?Blackbird Air Park, 2503 E Ave P, Palmdale, CA 93550
WHAT:?Food, music, demonstrations, activities and much more!
AGENDA: National Anthem (9 a.m.),?Environmental Information Fair (9 a.m. - noon), Guest Speaker & Burger Burn Lunch (noon - 1 p.m.)?Scavenger Hunt (noon - 1 p.m.)
Memorial Service for Mr. Nathaniel Gunn
Mr. Nathaniel Gunn, a civilian member of the 412th Maintenance Squadron, passed away March 4. He served our country with pride for 34 years - 20 years wearing the uniform and then 14 years as a civilian employee. He will be missed by his family, friends, and coworkers. In his honor, join in a celebration of life at our Unit Memorial Service.
WHEN: Monday, April 22 at 12:30 p.m.
WHERE: Edwards AFB Chapel 1 (15 W. Popson Ave. Bldg. 2700)
CONTACT:?Brenda Davis at 277-9899 or [email protected]?
Spring Clean-Up Week
WHEN: Monday-Friday, April 22-26
WHAT:?We should survey our interior and exterior areas to ensure they present a neat, clean, and safe environment. Please report any discrepancies to our facility managers for action. Ensure large bulky items or green waste materials are not placed in refuse dumpsters. Large roll-off containers for disposal of unserviceable furniture, appliances, green waste, and other non-hazardous large items may be requested by contacting the 412th Civil Engineer Group (412 CEG) Requirements and Optimization Office at 277-3330.
Day 1 – Office/Workspace Clean-Up
Day 2 – Adopt-A-Lot Clean-Up
Day 3 – Facility Clean-Up (In and Around Facility)
Day 4 – Breakrooms, Reception Areas, Common Areas Clean-Up
WHY:?Our installation has experienced an increase in rain and wind this year leading to scattered trash and debris. This not only affects our appearance but poses a threat to our safety and health. It can increase pest populations, potential fire hazards and Foreign Object Damage to our aircraft.
CONTACT:?412 CEG U-Fix-It Store (277-2938), 412 CEG Requirements and Optimization Office (277-3330), and Mayroad Housing (661-385-6060)
Space Force Cyber Conference
Because there is no spacepower without cyber power!
WHAT: The Space Systems Command Chief Information Office has partnered with DoD cyber experts, industry partners, and academia to bring you a 2-day event showcasing the latest space cyber capabilities and developments. Hear from senior leaders on the innovative research, operational challenges, priorities, and efforts USSF is implementing to stay resilient and ensure cybersecurity readiness to drive the Space Force mission. Learn about up-and-coming cyber projects like ENIGMA and SPARTA, and hear updates to ongoing efforts like Space Cyber Test Range and CROWS.?
WHY:?In addition to learning from speakers and panelists, our industry partners will bring you one-on-one learning experiences with exhibit booths, a cyber petting zoo, and capture the flag. These activities provide hands-on opportunities to try out some of the emerging cyber technologies and capabilities. Put your cyber skills to the test to solve a series of simulated ground system and spacecraft challenges to see if you have what it takes to defend our space systems against cyber attacks!
WHEN: Tuesday and Wednesday,?April 23-24, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
WHERE: Los Angeles AFB,?Gordon Conference Center,?483 N. Aviation Blvd,?El Segundo, CA
POINTS:?Conference attendees are eligible for 10 Continuous Learning Points (CLPs).
REGISTRATION, AGENDA &?DETAILS:?SSC Cyber Expo 2024 (spaceforce.mil)
CONTACT:?Kayla Sortor, [email protected], 410-507-9962
Retirement:?Gerald “Jerry” Lockwood
WHO:?Mr. Gerald "Jerry" Lockwood,?JSE Mod/Sim Ops Engineering Flight Chief, 445th Test Squadron
WHAT: Retirement?
WHEN:?Thursday, April 25, 10:30 a.m. (reception to follow)
WHERE: Bldg. 1040 Auditorium, Edwards AFB
RSVP:?Confirm attendance HERE by Friday, April 19?
CONTACT: Darlene Berry,?661-810-8078 and?2d Lt Avery Baltunis,?661-277-1793
DRESS CODE:?Military?UOD;?Civilian Business Casual Gerald “Jerry” Lockwood has a distinguished career in support of the Department of the Air Force from 1 July 1991 to 27 April 2024. Most notably as an Armament Engineer at Edwards AFB, Mr. Lockwood played an integral role in the development of the B-2 and F-22 testing new warfighter capabilities to include GPS guided weaponry, advanced nuclear weapons, and joint standoff weapons. He served as Chief Engineer for the F-35 where he oversaw the delivery of the first 6 test vehicles and the start of local test in the Edwards AFB 2508 complex. Finally, he served within the Electronic Warfare Group hiring and mentoring scores of new talent while overseeing test of advanced offensive and defensive systems and the ushering in the latest transformational warfighting technology to the AirForce known as the Joint Simulation Environment (JSE).
Coffee or Tea ? with?Personnel Directorate (DP)
WHAT: Monthly forums with supervisors of civilians
WHEN: Third Thursday of the month, 10-10:30 a.m.?
April 20: APDP Back-to-Basics Initiative
CONTACT: [email protected]
HOW: Join Microsoft Teams Meeting Conference ID: 408 416 887# Call?410-874-6740?to join audio only.
?? Tuition Assistance Briefing?
Attention Airmen and Guardians!?Want to go to college? Need a TA brief?
WHEN:?Tuesdays at 9 a.m. and Thursdays at 1 p.m.?
WHERE: Zoom (virtual)
Zoom link for Tuesdays: https://www.zoomgov.com/j/1612185292?pwd=ZmUzVjZYb3gzeXZwcUUwL2lrazNIQT09
Zoom link for Thursdays: https://www.zoomgov.com/j/1604912636?pwd=WHZjdmJIQzhqZE14SU5DMFdNYUhwdz09
Career exploration event for High School students?
WHAT: Aerospace Valley Career Fair 2024 - A salute to youth!
GOAL: Connect students with business and industry professionals?
WHEN: Thursday, April 25, 9 a.m. - noon
WHERE: Air Force Plant 42, Palmdale
CONTACT:?[email protected]
Have you ever wanted to test out of a college course without ever attending the class? If so, here is your opportunity to test out of as many colleges classes you can in a day’s time with our CLEP-athon.
WHO:?Any Edwards AD member (all ranks, first 20 to sign up via the link below)
WHAT:?An all-day CLEP event to earn college credits through testing (study material will be provided)
WHEN: Friday, May 3, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. (meet up will be at 6:30 a.m. to ensure members are able to get the full time allotted)
WHERE:?Barstow Community College at Fort Irwin (transportation will be provided as well as a $10 voucher for those Airman not receiving BAS)
CONTACT:?Master Sgt. Jason Hanson [email protected], Master Sgt.?Katherine Lamm [email protected], Master Sgt. Crystal Erskine [email protected]?
Golf Tournament??
WHAT:?2nd Annual Golf Tournament
BY:?Air & Space Forces Association Chapter 294 & AF Plant 42 Booster Club
WHEN:?Friday, May 24; Show time 8 a.m.; Shotgun starts at 9 a.m.; Awards 2 p.m.?
WHERE:?Antelope Valley Country Club
WHO:?4 Person Teams / Best-ball. Don't have 4 players? We can team you up!
PRICE: $150 per Person?(or save by pre-paying $500 for your 4-somes) Continental breakfast; Hot dogs and chips during the tournament; Barbecue and awards following the tournament
SPONSOR A HOLE: Platinum $500;?Gold $250;?Silver $100;?Bronze $75
PRIZES:?Hit a Hole-in-One?to win?a Harley-Davidson,?Callaway clubs,?$500 gift card, or 1-year Supply of Omaha Steaks Prizes awarded for: 1. 1st , 2nd , 3rd & Last Teams 2. Closest to the Pin 3. Longest Drive 4. Marshmallow Drive 5. Putting Contest 6. Plus Many Raffle Prizes
REGISTRATION: To sign up and/or sponsor a hole, please scan the QR code using your personal phone (our network blocks Google forms)
?? Civilian?Academic Degree Program - Part Time ?(CADP – PT) --- Closes April 19
CADP-PT is a locally developed, competitive academic degree program that provides 412th Test Wing?appropriated fund civilian employees an opportunity to receive 100% tuition support for a master’s degree.
Eligibility: 1.?Must be a permanent appropriated federal civilian employee 2.?Not on a probationary status 3.?Meet all requirements for selected university 4.?Possesses an undergraduate degree as of the application deadline
Provisions: 1.?100% Tuition funded 2. Books, instructional fees 3. Up to 8 hrs/week paid time for coursework?
If interested in applying to the CADP-PT program, please request an application and checklist via email to Peggie Schofield [email protected] 661-277-9745, Becca Martin [email protected], 661-277-2202, or Collin Drake [email protected], 661-277-0265.?
Completed application and checklist is due COB 19 April 2024. Applicants will be contacted to schedule a time to brief their application to the Management Training Committee for consideration in this program.?CADP policy details available at https://usaf.dps.mil/teams/22774/SitePages/412th-Test-Wing-Technical-Director.aspx?
???2024 Edwards AFB Summer Employment Program --- Closes April 22
WHY: Edwards AFB Summer Program provides an opportunity to gain marketable skills and earn income while enjoying your Summer Vacation
POSITIONS:?Clerks (GS-0303-02, 03, and 04),?Engineering Technician (GS-0802-04),?Laborer (WG-3502-02)
WHEN:?Announcements open March 13 and close April 22
Bombers drop more than just weapons
On April 19, 1999, the 419th Flight Test Squadron performed a unique flight test that it had planned and prepared in only five days to support Operation Allied Force.?The NATO campaign aimed to halt Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic’s ethnically-driven violence against the Albanian residents of Kosovo. The squadron tested the ability of a B-52 Stratofortress to drop emergency supplies (especially food) from a high altitude. The successful test enabled “considerable humanitarian assistance to refugees.”?
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