Edwards' Weekly Newsletter
Edwards Air Force Base firefighters kick-off Fire Prevention Week Oct. 7

Edwards' Weekly Newsletter



Want to work at the Center of the Aerospace Testing Universe? Check out available positions on Edwards AFB

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month

Joint EOD Teams Converge for Field Training Exercise "Obsidian Dragon"

Why I serve: Master Sgt. Marie Gamache

Fire Prevention Week: Visit to schools on base (grades 3-6)

WHEN: Tuesday, Oct. 08, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.

WHAT: Fire Prevention and Operations Crews to visit schools on base (grades 3-6) with obstacle course and class lecture handouts

Power Apps ‘Short’ class

WHEN: Tuesday, Oct. 8, 10-10:30 a.m.

WHAT: Power Apps ‘Short’ class on how deep linking with Power Apps. (Deep Linking = Creating a URL that takes app users to specific screens or items within an app) This is a continuation on the Power Apps training series and a rudimentary knowledge of Power Apps is required to ensure attendees gain the full value of the Power Apps Short classes. If you would like to get a quick introduction to Power Apps we highly recommend watching the recorded session of our Power Apps 101 Training at the link below prior to attending: Power Apps 101 Training.mp4

HOW: virtually via Microsoft Teams.

Join the meeting now Meeting ID: 993 389 826 883? ? ?Passcode: avzm6Y

Fire Prevention Week: Sparky visits +?Vehicle extrication demo


Wednesday, Oct. 09

9:15-10 a.m. ---?Sparky visits CDC/Youth Annex Prevention & Operations Crews

10:30-11 a.m. ---?Sparky visits Family Child Care

11 a.m. - 1 p.m. ---?Sparky visits BX

Noon ---?Vehicle extrication demonstration at BX parking lot

National Hispanic Heritage Month:?STORYTIME

WHAT: Storytime featuring books by Hispanic authors and illustrators

WHEN: Wednesday, Oct. 9 at 10 a.m.

WHERE: Base Library

CONTACT: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], and [email protected]

HELP: If you would like to get involved with the National Hispanic Heritage Month Observance Committee, please request to join the TEAM: NHHM Committee | General | Microsoft Teams

Fire Prevention Week:?Parade and vehicles display


Thursday, Oct. 10

8?a.m. - noon ---?High school students to visit station #1

5-6 p.m. ---?Parade

6-7 p.m. --- Static display of fire vehicles at the BX parking lot

Chiefs' Steak?Sale???????

WHEN: Thursday, Oct. 10, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.

WHERE: Pick up at Chapel 1 Annex,

PRICE: $10 a plate which comes with an?8oz steak, sides and a drink

CONTACT: Any chief for tickets

This event is NOT endorsed by a federal entity

Edwards AFB Weapons Standardization. 3rd Quarter Load Competition?

Will Falcon hold onto the title? Can Lightning or Raptor steal the show? Join us to support and find out! Personal photography is prohibited Hearing Protection Required

WHEN: Thursday Oct.?10 at noon?

WHERE: Hangar 1830?

Norwegian Foot March

Do you want to challenge yourself? Do you want to see your physical limits? Please come and test yourself by competing in the first ever Edwards AFB Norwegian Foot March. Dependent on age and time finished, you can qualify for a Norwegian Foot March pin that is authorized to wear on your service dress (Blues). Currently we have 53/250 slots filled – with Army and Navy personnel in attendance, so please come out, show your unit’s guidon and represent Team Edwards.?If you do not want to partake in the ruck but would like to volunteer, please reach out to [email protected].

WHAT: Simulate combat by marching a great distance (18.6 miles) wearing 25 lbs. of dry weight WHO: Open to all military and civilian personnel of all fitness levels who are up for a challenging yet rewarding experience Military?= UOD Civilian = boots/hiking style shoes, long?cargo pants?and blouse of choice

WHEN: Tuesday, Oct. 15 at 8 a.m.

SIGNUP: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0B4AAFAC2EA1F4CE9-50321160-norwegian#/

CONTACT: [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]

AWARDS: Must complete the 18.6 mile ruck with a 25 lbs. dry weight at or below the times listed on https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0B4AAFAC2EA1F4CE9-50321160-norwegian#/


Ms. Charmane Lars served our nation for 36 years as a civil servant. For the last two decades she served as an administrative assistant within our 412th Maintenance Squadron family.

WHEN: Tuesday, Oct. 15, 2-3 p.m.

WHERE: Chapel 1

CONTACT: Mr. Arnold H. Bowen at?661-277-37518

2024 Air Force and Space Forces Ball 

Join us in celebration of the 77th birthday of the United States Air Force and the 5th birthday of the United States Space Force!

WHEN: Saturday, Oct. 19. Social 4:30 p.m.; Ceremony 5:30 p.m. 
WHERE: Club Muroc Alliance Ballroom (275 Doolittle Parkway, Bldg. 5600, Edwards AFB)
WHO: Event is restricted to personnel 18 years old and up (17 years old for enlisted personnel). Childcare will not be provided. 
THEME: Casino Night
DRESS CODE: Military - Semi Formal or Mess Dress; Civilian - Semi Formal or Cocktail Attire
--- Military --- 
E1-E4: $20.00; E5-E6: $30.00; E7-E9: $35.00; O1-O3: $40.00; O4-O10: $45.00
--- Civilian --- 
NK-2, NJ-2, NH-2: $35.00; NK-3, NJ-3/4, NH-3, or above: $45.00
--- Non-DoD Civilian --- 
CashApp --- Payments can be made via Cashapp to: $EdwardsCGOC. When paying via CashApp, please enter your full name, number of tickets being purchased and associated tier, unit affiliation, email, and phone number. 
Cash --- Tickets can also be purchased with cash, in person at the BX on Wednesdays and Fridays from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. at Club Muroc on Tuesday to Friday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and Fridays from 4-7 p.m. 
RSVP: by Oct. 17 at 2024 Air and Space Force Ball (afit.edu)
CONTACT: MSgt Kalvin Moore 661-277-2162 and Lt Laura Kindley 661-277-7870         

AFMC mentoring event highlighting National Disability Employment Awareness Month

WHEN: Tuesday, Oct. 22 11 a.m.

HOW: Microsoft Teams?Click here to join the meeting?or or call in (audio only)?+1 410-874-6750,,929286053#? ?Phone Conference ID: 929 286 053#

WHAT: Thee 60-minute panel will discuss “Access to Good Jobs for All"?

WHO: It?is open to all personnel.

Attendees will have the chance to ask questions during the event. The panel will be facilitated by Jazmyn Turner, Strategic Advisor, Affirmative Employment Program, HQ AFMC/A1Q, Wright-Patterson AFB.

The distinguished panelists include:?

---?Tina Spencer, Senior Action Officer, AFRL Aerospace Systems Directorate, Wright-Patterson AFB

---?Ashley Stiles, Chief Financial Operations, 412 CPTS, Edwards AFB

---?Andres Morales, Administrative Assistant, 412 CPTS, Edwards AFB

Additional information on AFMC Mentoring can be found at: https://www.afmc.af.mil/careers/AFMC-Mentoring.?The panel will be recorded and posted on the PA mentoring web page. Please send your questions ahead of the event to the following org box: [email protected].

CONTACT:?Brianna Russ [email protected], Jazmyn Turner [email protected], and Mandy Smith-Nethercott [email protected]?

Installation and Fall Mixer

WHEN: Thursday, Nov. 14. Open and reception 5 p.m. Dinner and program 6 p.m.

WHERE: Embassy Suites at 39375 5th St. West, Palmdale, CA 93551

PRICE: $50 per person. Sponsorships available.

ATTIRE: Military service dress. Civilian business.

CONTACT: EAFB Civilian-Military Support Group at?818-539-7073 or [email protected]

MEMORIAL SERVICES ---?Mr. David F. Richardson

Mr. David F. Richardson worked at Edwards AFB for the 6520th Test Group as High Performance Energy Management Specialist. He retired in 2000 after 33 years of service. David passed away on Sept. 12. He is survived by his wife, Cindy Richardson.


WHEN: Monday, Oct. 14, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.?

WHERE:?Halley Olsen Funeral Home, 44831 Cedar Ave, Lancaster, CA 93534.


WHEN: Tuesday, Oct. 15. at noon

WHERE:?Sacred Heart Parish, 565 W Kettering St, Lancaster, CA 93534


WHEN: Tuesday, Oct. 15 at 1:30 p.m.?

WHERE:?Good Shephard Catholic Cemetery, 43121 70th St W, Lancaster, CA 93536. A celebration of life will follow (details TBD). In lieu of flowers, please donate to a kidney foundation of your choice.?

????Professional Development Courses?

All professional development courses across Edwards AFB can sign up using this link https://teamup.com/ksy5zdj7ji3bwyajq8?This is an app that you can download onto IOS (Apple) and Android cellphones. Instructions to register or participate are found under each course.


This course is mandatory for new Airmen to take within the first 45 days of arriving at their first duty station. Any new Civilian with no military background is welcome to join the course. Upcoming FTEC’s are scheduled for Oct 7-10, 2024, and Nov 4-7, 2024. The course is in building 2460 Room A. Please register utilizing TeamUp https://teamup.com/ksy5zdj7ji3bwyajq8. You will receive additional instructions (3) three days from the start of the course. For additional questions, please contact MSgt Douglas Cox via email at [email protected]


Dec 2-6, 2024, in Building 2460 room A. This course is open to all NCO’s E-5, E-6 and Civilians GS-9-11, NH-2, NAF-2-3. Please sign up utilizing TeamUp for registration. You will receive additional instructions (3) three days from the start of the course. Please register utilizing TeamUp ?https://teamup.com/ksy5zdj7ji3bwyajq8. For additional questions, please contact MSgt Douglas Cox via email at [email protected]?


Nov 12-15, 2024, in Building 2460 room A. This course focuses on a variety of topics such as: Communication in the chain of Command, Enlisted Force Structure, Career Progression, Thrift Savings Plan, Mentorship and Leadership, Standards and Discipline, and Ethics. This course is intended for Amn through SrA who have completed CDC requirements and Civilians GS-4-8, NK-1-2, NJ-1-2, WG-1-13, WL-1-9, NH-1-2,NAF-1-3. Please register utilizing TeamUp https://teamup.com/ksy5zdj7ji3bwyajq8. For additional questions please contact MSgt Douglas Cox via email at [email protected]


Jan 27-31, 2025, located in Building 2024, Room A. This course is designed to leverage the skills and knowledge of experienced leaders to advance our senior enlisted corps. The goal is to provide Flight Chiefs expanded knowledge on important subjects commonly associated with the Flight Chief Role. Topics include Enlisted Career Management, Resource Management, Manpower, Personnel and Superintendent Level Writing. Please register utilizing TeamUp ?https://teamup.com/ksy5zdj7ji3bwyajq8. For additional questions, please contact MSgt Douglas Cox via email at [email protected].milor Serena Johnson via email at [email protected]?


Oct 16-17 2024 located in Building 2024, Room A. This course is for entry - mid level civilians that would like to develop and grow their soft skills and better their communication. The course will consist of communication and leadership, career progression, tuition assistance, conflict resolution, military writing. and more. 0800-1630 both days. Please register utilizing TeamUp ?https://teamup.com/ksy5zdj7ji3bwyajq8. For additional questions, please contact MSgt Douglas Cox via email at [email protected] or Serena Johnson via email at [email protected]


Nov 13-14, 2024, in Building 2460 room A. This course is open to any Airmen that are going up for the Wing BTZ Board. The course is designed to prepare the Airmen for the BTZ board by making sure their blues are ready, practicing reporting to the board and the second day is a mock board to ensure the Airmen are 100% ready for the real BTZ board at the Wing. Please sign up utilizing TeamUp for registration. You will receive additional instructions (3) three days from the start of the course. Please register utilizing TeamUp ?https://teamup.com/ksy5zdj7ji3bwyajq8. For additional questions, please contact MSgt Douglas Cox via email at [email protected]?

???October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month!

The theme for National Disability Employment Awareness Month (#NDEAM) 2024 is “Access to Good Jobs for All.” Held annually, NDEAM educates about disability employment topics and celebrates the many and varied contributions of America's workers with disabilities. The Disability Action Team will be hosting two (2) information sessions on the Workforce Recruitment Program (WRP) in observance of NDEAM and to prepare for the upcoming fiscal year and potential internships through the program. The Workforce Recruitment Program (WRP) connects federal employers with college students, graduate students, and recent graduates with disabilities who are eager to demonstrate their abilities in the workplace through internships or permanent jobs. ?

Session Schedule

----- Workforce Recruitment Program Info Session -----

WHEN: Thursday, Oct. 10 at 10 a.m.?

WHERE: Microsoft Teams?

WHO:?All Base Personnel (Hiring Managers highly encouraged)

HOW: Dial-In 410-874-6750?Conference ID?159 276 670# Click here to join!

----- Workforce Recruitment Program Info Session -----

WHEN: Thursday, Oct. 17?at 10 a.m.?

WHERE: Microsoft Teams?

WHO:?All Base Personnel (Hiring Managers highly encouraged)

HOW: Dial-In 410-874-6750?Conference ID?897 496 026# Click here to join!?

CONTACT:?Bella Morales at?661-277-0568?A

???Narrative Writing Course

WHO:?Open to all military and Department of Air Force civilian personnel assigned or working on EAFB.

REQUIRED REGISTRATION: https://teamup.com/ksy5zdj7ji3bwyajq8. Registration for all classes will close three (3) days prior to the class.

NOTES: Attendees are encouraged to bring EPBs/Appraisals/1206s.?Virtual recordings will not occur and will not be allowed.

CONTACT: Master Sgt. Douglas Cox via [email protected]

FACILITATOR: Dr. Jermaine King, Chief Master Sgt., USAF

-----?Civilian In-Person Class

WHERE:?FTEC Classroom, Bldg. 2460, Rm. A

WHEN:?Friday, Oct. 25, 10 a.m. - noon

-----?Military In-Person Class

WHERE:?FTEC Classroom, Bldg. 2460, Rm. A

WHEN: Monday, Oct. 28, 9-11 a.m.

-----?Military Virtual Zoom Class

WHEN:?Monday, Nov. 4, 9-11 a.m.

-----?Civilian Virtual Zoom Class WHERE:?Friday, Nov. 22, 10 a.m. - noon?

???National Hispanic Heritage Month: CHILDREN'S ART PROJECT DISPLAY

WHEN: Sept. 15 - Oct. 15

WHERE: Artwork is displayed throughout Edwards AFB

WHAT: We have partnered with the local schools on base to celebrate the Hispanic culture through art and history.

CONTACT: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], and [email protected]

HELP: If you would like to get involved with the National Hispanic Heritage Month Observance Committee, please request to join the TEAM: NHHM Committee | General | Microsoft Teams

???FREE Halloween Pin?Decorating Contest

WHERE: High Desert Lanes

WHEN: Oct. 1 - 26

WHAT: Parents can pick up pins starting Oct. 1 and must be returned Oct. 26 to be judged. Winners will be announced on Oct. 30 at 4:30 p.m.; following the announcement, all participants can enjoy FREE bowling until 6 p.m. (Shoe?rental not included)


?? Coffee or Tea ? with Personnel Directorate (DP)

WHAT: Monthly forums with supervisors of civilians

WHEN: Third Thursday of the month, 10-10:30 a.m.

Oct. 17: eTMS/Supervisor Portal

HOW: Join Microsoft Teams Meeting

Conference ID: 408 416 887#

Call?410-874-6740?to join audio only.

???Vet clinic schedule: October

Tuesday, Oct. 1: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. (closed for lunch noon - 1 p.m.)

Monday, Oct. 21: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. (closed for lunch noon - 1 p.m.) Tuesday, Oct. 22: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. (closed for lunch noon - 1 p.m.)

Monday, Oct. 28: 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (closed for lunch noon - 1 p.m.)

Tuesday, Oct. 29: 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (closed for lunch noon - 1 p.m.)

?? Religious Education


Mass AFRL?|?2nd Wednesday at noon

Higher Ground Cafe?| 3rd Wednesday?at 5 p.m.

Bible Study | Men: Sundays at noon | Dorm: Thursdays at 5:30 p.m.?|?Women: Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m.

Chapel 2 Annex Adoration Blessed?Sacrament | 1st Wednesday at 5 p.m.

Chapel 2 Religious Education | Sundays at 10:30 a.m.


Bible Study Groups?| Contact [email protected]


Fridays 12:30-2:30 p.m.?at Chapel 1, Rooms 3 & 4 | Contact [email protected]


3rd Saturday 4:30-5 p.m. at Chapel 2 Conference Room | Contact?Ms. Dianna Kassing at 661-277-5415


Please contact the?Main Chapel Office at 661-277-2110

???Edwards AFB School of Music???????

WHO: Ages 5 and up

WHAT: Music lessons for piano, guitar, voice, and drums

WHERE: Youth Center

CONTACT: 275-5437 COST: $32 per 30-minute lesson (piano, guitar or voice);?$30 per 30-minute lesson (drums)

?? Club Cash Fridays featuring our progressive Jackpot ??????

WHO: FSS Insiders

WHEN: Every Friday

WHERE: Club Muroc

WHAT: FSS Insiders will receive a ticket for a chance to win $25. All FSS Insiders are then entered into a drawing for $100. If the selected winner is not present, the jackpot rolls over to the next week at an increase of $50 until the winnings are claimed.

?? FREE healthcare services to unhoused and at-risk Veterans

WHAT: VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System’s (VAGLAHS) Mobile Medical Unit (MMU) is coming to Palmdale

WHEN: Every second Tuesday of the month, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.

WHERE: 1529 E. Palmdale Blvd., Palmdale, CA, 93550

WHY: The MMU is a traveling unit that provides medical services to unhoused and at-risk Veterans in their own communities. The team offers primary and urgent care, vaccines, blood pressure and blood sugar checks, wound care, Fentanyl and Xylazine testing kits, referrals to specialty care, connection to housing resources and more.

?? Worship Services


(Chapel 1) Sundays at 10 a.m.


(Chapel 2)

Mass?| Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11:30 a.m.?| Sundays at 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.

Confessions (Room 5) | Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays 8:30-10:30 a.m. and 1:30-2:30 p.m. or?by appointment

??? Tuition Assistance Briefing

Attention Airmen and Guardians!?Want to go to college? Need a TA brief?

WHEN: Tuesdays at 9 a.m. and Thursdays at 1 p.m.

WHERE: Zoom (virtual)

Zoom link for Tuesdays: https://www.zoomgov.com/j/1612185292?pwd=ZmUzVjZYb3gzeXZwcUUwL2lrazNIQT09

Zoom link for Thursdays: https://www.zoomgov.com/j/1604912636?pwd=WHZjdmJIQzhqZE14SU5DMFdNYUhwdz09

???Package Drop Off

There are now two convenient packages drop off locations available. 1.?UPS pre-marked packages can be dropped off inside Outdoor Recreation, building 2500. 2.?FedEx packages can be dropped off at the FedEx drop box located outside the Subway/Wingstop restaurants, building 1610?

???Don't risk it all, give AADD a call.?

???Club Muroc is now opening on Mondays, 10:30 a.m. - 2 p.m.?

Dive into "Stir Fry Mondays" at our Action Station for just $14 or enjoy the full menu. Call 275-CLUB for more information.

???DoD SMART scholarships applications are open (Aug. 1 - Dec. 6)

Rising college freshman going into STEM fields can apply to receive full tuition and 30-40K in stipends per year in return for service upon graduation. Find more information at: https://dodstem.us/participate/smart/

???Designation of Beneficiary forms are not required but if submitted, should be reviewed annually.

Designation of Beneficiary forms are not required but if submitted, should be reviewed annually, and new forms submitted as needed. If you do not designate a beneficiary, your benefits will be paid according to the established order of precedence in the event of your death. Significant life events (such as marriage, death, divorce, or birth) do not automatically update your designations. As such, it is highly recommended you review your designations yearly in addition to when you have a life changing event and complete new forms when necessary. If you have a valid designation of beneficiary on file, it will be in your electronic Official Personnel Folder (eOPF) at https://eopf.opm.gov/USAF.?For more information regarding beneficiary forms, please review the "Beneficiary Forms Information" knowledge article on myFSS: https://myfss.us.af.mil/USAFCommunity/s/knowledge-detail?pid=kA0t0000000wkzfCAA.

???VOTE: Spark Tank 2024

WHO: All Airmen and guardians

WHAT: Department of the Air Force needs your help choosing your favorite ideas using the Pairwise comparison tool! Please select the top submissions that will advance to formal evaluations.?Are you ready to check out the lineup and pick your favorites?

WHEN: Sept. 26 - Oct. 14

HOW: https://gain.il4.afwerx.dso.mil/

???Strike Zone breakfast, served Monday-Friday, 7-10 p.m.

Kick off your mornings with croissant sandwiches, breakfast pizza, and two hearty breakfast bowls! Choose the traditional bowl with potatoes, eggs, sausage, and cheese or try the island-inspired Loco Moco Bowl with rice, burger patty, sunny-side-up egg, and brown gravy.

?? CLOSURES (facilities) ??????

Burger King

The kitchens will shut down beginning Sept. 19? for upgrades and remodeling, with food service expected to resume Oct. 1.?Thank you for your patience during this time. High

Desert Lanes- Bowling Paused

Bowling is paused for 2-3 weeks, starting Sept. 30 for?new pinsetters installation. Dining area is?still open, so come enjoy a meal with us while we upgrade!

???Volunteers needed ??????

--- High school Juniors/Seniors needed to paint STEM murals

STARBASE is looking for high school juniors/seniors needing volunteer hours who are into fine arts – we are hoping to paint some STEM murals around our new building and would love to help some students get volunteer hours while contributing to the community!

--- Volunteers needed for a wearables and medical data study

Volunteers will upload data from their Apple or Garmin Watch and/or Oura ring and a list of medical appointment dates/diagnoses from the past year onto a secure, web-based platform.? Participate anonymously at any time and from anywhere. Qualifications:? All AD service members or those who have separated in the last 12 months, separation is NOT due to a medical board, have used an iWatch, Garmin, or Oura for at least 12 months ? Time Commitment: ~1 hour Contact: [email protected]

--- Volunteer sports referees needed

Do you have experience refereeing Basketball, Flag Football, Softball, Volleyball, or Soccer??The Fitness Center is looking for Volunteer Sports Referees for intramural sports. Games will be held Tuesday-Thursday from 5-8 p.m.?Please call Ms. Dawn Brodersen at 277-1997.

???EXCHANGE promotions and savings

MILITARY STAR? --- Do you shop at the BX? Eat at the Edwards Air Force Base Exchange food court? Fill up at the Express? Order from ShopMyExchange.com? If you’re not using your MILITARY STAR card when you shop, you’re missing out on rewards. Earn two points for every $1 you spend with your card, including at the commissary, mall vendors and more. https://aafes.media/MilStarPA

SWEEPSTAKES --- From Sept. 1 to Oct. 31, authorized Exchange shoppers 18 and older worldwide can enter the Red Bull KTM Bike sweepstakes at ShopMyExchange.com/sweepstakes to win the grand prize — a Red Bull KTM 450 SX-F Factory Edition Bike and a $1,000 Visa gift card.

SEPT. 18 ---?Happy 77th birthday to U.S. Air Force! On Sept. 18, one-day-only, MLITARY STAR cardholders will enjoy savings on food, fuel and mall vendors. Plus, they can win one of 237 tactical gear prizes at ShopMyExchange.com/Sweepstakes in a worldwide sweepstakes, Sept. 13 through Oct. 18.

?? Secretary of Defense:?Showing Our Enduring Duty to America’s Service Members and Their Families

The well-being and readiness of our service members is a top priority for the Defense Department. Over the past three years, Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III has taken action on issues critical to force and family stability, including securing affordable basic needs, making moves easier, strengthening support to families and expanding spousal employment.?As of Sept. 13, 2024, the Secretary has ordered additional concrete steps to provide tangible support to our force and to tackle pressing problems our people face. The new actions are sourced directly from service members' experiences and will further ensure the well-being and success of our force, so they can focus on their mission.?For more information, visit the Military One Source website (https://www.militaryonesource.mil/financial-legal/personal-finance/taking-care-of-people/)

?? FIRE PREVENTION tips, recommendations and notices ??????

In case of an emergency, dial 911 from base phone or 661-277-4540 from cell phone. Questions? Contact the Fire Prevention Team at 661-277-3124.

----- Portable heaters When the weather turns cold, it can brig a chill into our homes. Portable space heaters have become a popular way to supplement central heating or heat one room. CLICK to learn tips and recommendations if you plan to use an electric portable heater.

?? 412th Medical Group

--- Military Treatment Facilities?open during?AFMC Family Days

Great news! The 412th Medical Group will be open on AFMC Family Days from 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., starting Friday, Aug. 30.?All services will be available. We are looking forward to seeing you.

--- Pharmacy Script Center at Plant 42 The 412th Medical Group Pharmacy Script Center located at Plant 42 is now open. You will be able to pickup your prescriptions at an alternate location. For more information please call the Pharmacy at 661-277-2052.

?? Show what your job entails to students

WHAT: Is your organization interested in hosting a FIELD TRIP to 28-35 STARBASE students for an hour and a half to share insights about your career field? We will provide the transportation (school buses) to students.

and/or Is your organization interested in SPEAKING to 28-35 STARBASE students for 30 minutes about your career field? Ideally, you will come to STARBASE, so students won’t need transportation.

WHO: STARBASE is a DoD program that provides a five-day hands-on STEM curriculum for 5th graders across the nation. The curriculum includes field trips to other organizations on base, as well as speeches from DoD employees, military and civilian, working on STEM career fields.

WHY: 1) The main goal is to make STEM-focused careers real and authentic for students. 2) Your field trips and speeches are the highlight of the STARBASE experience for students and, honestly, for our instructors as well! 3) Research shows us that if students can name and describe a STEM career that they might be interested in by 7th grade, their chance of going to college for a STEM degree goes up by roughly 65%.

HOW: It’s totally up to you! As an example, the Fire Station Team separated students into small groups and moved them through stations where they learned about the different aspects of the fire station.

CONTACT: Dr. Samantha Duchscherer, Director of STARBASE Edwards, at [email protected]

WHEN: FIELD TRIP sessions are available on the dates highlighted in BLUE. SPEAKING sessions are available on the dates highlighted in YELLOW.


On Oct.?9, 1999, the final flight of an SR-71 Blackbird took place during the course of the Edwards AFB Open House and Air Show. NASA Dryden Flight Research Center pilot Rogers Smith and flight engineer Marta Bohn-Meyer flew the aircraft to a speed of Mach 3.21 at an altitude of 80,100 ft.

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to enhance your daily commute, save money, and make life easier.

CLICK HERE to access the full version of The Tower, then scroll down and look for the Vanpools section.

Under the Voluntary Leave Transfer Program (VLTP), a covered employee may donate annual leave directly to another employee who has a personal or family medical emergency and who has exhausted his or her available paid leave. Teresa Cadamy is the point of contact for the VLTP at Edwards Air Force Base.

CLICK HERE to access the full version of The Tower, then scroll down and look for the Leave Sharing section to locate employees have been approved to receive annual leave donation.

If you are interested in donating annual leave, please complete form OPM 630A (within agency) or form OMP 630 (outside agency), and send it to [email protected].?LES's are used to validate donor SCD leave dates and available leave balances and may be redacted of any/all pay related information.

Instagram | Facebook | X | YouTube

The full version of The Tower can be accessed via Web Browser, Apple App, or Android App.


412th Test Wing, Edwards Air Force Base的更多文章

