Edwards' Weekly Newsletter
412th Test Wing, Edwards Air Force Base
"The center of the aerospace testing universe"
Want to work at the Center of the Aerospace Testing Universe? Check out available positions on Edwards AFB
Air Force Reserve unit provides full-time support to flight test
Coffee 4 Vets
Members xAir Specialist 1 Jake Gaston, Flight Lieutenant Stewart Ostler, and Cpl. Glynn Willams, all from the 17th Test and Evaluation Squadron, Royal Air Force, met with the local veterans during the weekly Coffee 4 Vets gathering in Lancaster, California, March 19.
Women's History Month Events
WHEN: Tuesday, March 19 at 10 a.m.?
WHERE: Edwards AFB Military and Family Readiness Center
WHAT:?Guest speaker: Lt. Col. (Ret.) Ruttenber; Breaking Barriers?
WHEN: Tuesday, March 19 and Wednesday, March 20, 4-5 p.m.?
WHERE: Edwards AFB Fitness Center, Aerobic Room
WHAT: Spin?with "Muscles" Johnson
FREE?Leadership Development:?Mindfulness and the scaling of well-being using a novel well-being AI
WHAT: The program showcases the latest Artificial Intelligence (AI) research from internationally-known experts giving federal leaders new perspectives to develop their own mindful approach to AI in the workplace.?You will hear renown presenters in the field of Mindfulness and Artificial Intelligence.?
WHY: AI is rapidly becoming part of our everyday lives. As this technology becomes more widespread in the federal space, government leaders must be willing to ask, “What are we rushing toward??How will decisions around using AI today influence us tomorrow?”
WHO:?Supervisors, managers, and others at the GS-13 to GS-15 levels (or equivalent);?Members of the Senior Executive Service (SES), executives and senior leaders (non-SES);?Artificial Intelligence officers
WHEN: Wednesday, March 20, 10 a.m. - noon
WHERE: Virtual through OPM
Pre-Arrival Orientation - Learn all about Edwards AFB and the surrounding area
WHO: Inbound personnel
WHY: Help with their transition to Edwards AFB
WHEN: Wednesday, March 20 at 1 p.m.
WHERE: Virtual
RSVP: Call?661-277-0723 or email?[email protected] to signup and receive the Zoom link.?
Senior Master Sgt. Promotion Release Party
WHEN: Friday, March 22, 3-4:30 p.m.
WHERE: Club Muroc, Alliance Room
SPONSOR: The Chiefs Group, Top III and 1st Sgts. Group
Medal of Honor Luncheon
WHAT: Join us for a FREE lunch provided by the Gary Sinise Foundation as we honor service members' timeless valor through exploring the stories of Medal of Honor recipients.
WHEN: Monday, March 25, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
WHERE: Club Muroc, Alliance Room
RSVP:?Confirm attendance HERE Space is limited! No Federal endorsement intended.
Edwards AFB Sound Barrier?Toastmasters Club #384, 45th Anniversary
WHEN: Tuesday, March 26, 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
WHERE: 412th Communications Squadron, Bldg. 3950, Conference Room 1
ZOOM: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89676885093?? (Meeting ID 896 7688 5093; Passcode: 225813)
CONTACT:?[email protected],?661-275-9201, 661-466-8202
Women's History Month Events
WHEN: Tuesday and Wednesday, March 27 and 28
WHERE:?148 Methusa Ave., Bldg. 2462, ALS Auditorium
WHAT:?Professional Development, Women's Air and Space Power Symposium?
CONTACT:?[email protected] or?[email protected]
Women Veterans Lunch
You are invited to luncheon recognizing contributions of women Veterans.?
FEATURING: "Fly Girl," America's first black woman combat pilot
WHEN: Wednesday, March 20, noon-2 p.m.?
WHERE: Hellenic Center located at 4304 30th W Lancaster, CA
Cesar's Birthday Celebration (Cesar E. Chavez Monument)
WHAT: LIVE music, sweet treats, family stories, guided tours, Junior range program, dance performance by Ballet Folklorico Ritmo y Sabor de Bakersfield College
WHEN: Friday, March 29, 12-3 p.m.?
WHERE:?29700 Woodford-Tehachapi Rd.?Keene, CA 93531
CONTACT: 661-823-6134
Cesar's Birthday Celebration (Cesar E. Chavez Monument)
WHAT: "Finding Peace at La Paz," story time, special movie screening "Cesar Last Fast," Junior Range program and egg hunter.?
WHEN:?Saturday, March 30, 10 a.m. - 3?p.m.?
WHERE:?29700 Woodford-Tehachapi Rd.?Keene, CA 93531
Cesar's Birthday Celebration (Cesar E. Chavez Monument)
WHAT:?Guided meditation, guided walk to Martyr's Rock, special movie screening "Cesar Last Fast," Junior Range Program and egg hunt.??
WHEN: Sunday, March 31, 10 a.m. - 3?p.m.?
WHERE:?29700 Woodford-Tehachapi Rd.?Keene, CA 93531
Tuition Assistance Briefing?
Attention Airmen and Guardians!?Want to go to college? Need a TA brief?
WHEN:?Tuesdays at 9 a.m. and Thursdays at 1 p.m.?
Zoom (virtual) Zoom link for Tuesdays: https://www.zoomgov.com/j/1612185292?pwd=ZmUzVjZYb3gzeXZwcUUwL2lrazNIQT09
Zoom link for Thursdays: https://www.zoomgov.com/j/1604912636?pwd=WHZjdmJIQzhqZE14SU5DMFdNYUhwdz09
???Freeway crossover on California State Route 14 (SR-14)
WHAT: Southbound traffic on SR-14 will be diverted to the northbound side. There will be two lanes of travel for both southbound and northbound traffic.?
WHERE:?As a result of the crossover, the southbound on/off ramps at A, F, and G will be closed and physically blocked. The southbound off ramp at Avenue D will be closed to regular traffic and may only be accessed by emergency vehicles. The northbound on/off ramps will not have any changes.
WHEN: The closures are expected to start on March 16 and anticipated to remain in place through the rest of 2024.
???2024 Edwards AFB Summer Employment Program?
WHY: Edwards AFB Summer Program provides an opportunity to gain marketable skills and earn income while enjoying your Summer Vacation
POSITIONS:?Clerks (GS-0303-02, 03, and 04),?Engineering Technician (GS-0802-04),?Laborer (WG-3502-02)
WHEN:?Announcements open March 13 and close April 22
???Astronaut Selection Program?????????????
NASA is currently accepting applications for its Astronaut Selection Program. Airmen and Guardians interested in applying for NASA Astronaut must provide a career field notification NLT 2 Apr 24 and submit a NASA application as outlined in PSDM 24-21. Information regarding NASA Astronaut requirements and application details/deadline can be found at https://www.nasa.gov/astronauts.
A parasite fighter test went wrong
?On March 18, 1949, XF-85 Goblin No. 2 was unable to hook onto its B-29 “mother ship” and was forced to make a skid landing on Rodgers Dry Lake Bed (seen here after its landing). The XF-85 was an attempt to solve the problem of bombers outflying their fighter escorts. In the 1940s, the large size of bombers’ wings and fuselages offered them considerably more range than the fighters necessary to escort them through contested airspaces. One solution (made famous in the later movie Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade) suggested so-called “parasite fighters” that hung from trapeze-like bars on the bomber for most of the trip. The fighters would detach for the escort portion of the mission before reattaching for the return trip. The large hook on the Goblin’s nose would latch onto the bar beneath the B-29. The concept and program were abandoned when aerial refueling technology became seen as a smarter alternative to extend fighters’ flight range without the risks of the re-attaching process.
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