Edvard Munch: Trembling Earth
Edvard Munch: TREMBLING EARTH at The Clark Art Institute, Williamstown, Massachusetts through October 15, 2023. Sole US venue before the exhibition travels to Europe.
This special curation of famous Edvard Munch includes his hallmark works on emotional states such as love, anxiety, melancholy, longing and of course his famous “The Scream.” ?Key to this exhibition is his perspicacious foretelling in paintings depicting his concerns with climate instability and the depletion of natural resources while observing the forward march of industrialization. Not all is sober, there are self-portraits and colorful imagery of the forest near his home and paintings of his garden in various states of seasonal flourish.
I visited The Clark specifically for this important and significant exhibition as it is the sole venue in the United States before it travels to Germany and Norway.? And while at Clark Art Institute also partake and enjoy their permanent installation of a variety of works. - Asadour Santourian