"Educational Legs to Irv Brown's Legacy"
Mark McIntosh
Passionate about encouraging others to persevere, Chair of 2026 Denver Transplant Games Host Committee, Drive for Five Managing Editor, Sports Illustrated columnist, advocate for low-income students and displaced men.
Increasing the equity in education is something this country has got to improve upon. There's just too many darn kids out there growing up with meager resources when it comes to educational opportunities. I know, many reasons for that but it's just the fact. As an educational non profit, the Sports Business Academy is honored to be working with Jefferson County Public Schools and Arvada High School in using the sports industry as a catalyst to get kids excited about learning, educated about career opportunities on the business side of sports and "coached up" for success in life. We all know, sports is BIG business in America and around the world. There's lots of jobs in sports management, marketing, health/performance, media and coaching. Many kids growing up in challenging environments believe, "Sports is my ticket out." Well, good for them for trying but let's be realistic. The chances of playing collegiately, let alone professionally, for them and a vast majority of kids everywhere? Slim and none. Oh, by the way, I just saw Slim slip out the side door. Odds are, ain't gonna happen because of talent or injury. Many are called, few are chosen. HOWEVER, a career on the business side of sports? Now, that's a different story. The wonderful and wide world of sports is woven into the fabric of our nation. Anybody miss coming together with others and cheering on your favorite teams during COVID's reign on our ability to socialize? I sure did. Well, all those teams need folks to run operations in sports management, marketing, health/performance, media and coaching. Since introducing this learning pathway three years ago at Arvada High, students have been immersed in learning about this billon-dollar, and growing, industry. Who knows, one of these kiddos at Arvada High in the sports business pathway might be the next CBS Denver sports person! Or, the next athletic director at CU. Maybe, director of sports medicine somewhere. You get the point. Who knows. This much we do know, the success of "thematic-curriculum" schools like science, arts, international studies and others is well documented. It's pretty simple, meet kids where their interests lie and use that enthusiasm to spark learning and dreams. Icing on the cake? To think the amazing Irv Brown started his legendary coaching, officiating and broadcast career at Arvada High from 1959-70. I can remember Irv's funeral and his sons talking about spending joyful childhood moments running the school's halls and playing in the gym. The Sports Business Academy is honored to be part of the team leading the charge to create the Irv Brown Champions Center at Arvada High School. This re-purposed section of underutilized school space will house the sports business pathway while inspiring students and honoring a man who touched so many, including your scribe. When I first hit town in '88, the Buffs were good. Folks wanted to have the "Buff Guy" on their radio shows. Irv and Joe had me on many times. We grew to be good buddies. What a guy. Irv Brown's incredible life was the business side of sports. He did it all and did it damn well. Things are changing at one of the state's oldest public high schools, been around since 1900. New principal Shannon High Vigil is dynamic, talented and resilient. The former Columbine High School assistant principal has a vision, "A-100!" The "A" obviously stands for "Arvada" but it also stands for a commitment to achiement in school, extra-curricular activities, home and community. To steal a sports line, "Give it your best shot, 100!" The sports learning pathway is just one of many initiatives sprouting roots at a school where 75% of the FAMILIES make less than $35,000 a year. This started with talking about increasing the equity in education. It will end with giving thanks to Arvada High and Jeffco Schools for allowing this ol' knucklehead and other Sports Business Academy devotees to being on the team determined to give these kiddos support and encouragement on their journey through high school and beyond. Sports teaches us so much about life. The thrill of victory and agony of defeat. Stick together. Give your best shot. Pick each other up in tough times. Blah. Blah. Blah. Participation in sports and then earning a living sharing stories about it? It has powerfully shaped this dude's life. I know not to be alone there. Teaching kids the business side of sports and winning side of life inside the Irv Brown Champions Center at Arvada High School? I think Irv would approve. We miss you buddy but trust me, lots of folks are working like heck to keep your spirit alive and well where it all began. What a blessing to give educational legs to an amazing man's legacy. #goodbetterbest
Executive Director at Write on Sports Denver, Inc.
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