The educational benefit of traveling

The educational benefit of traveling

There is no disagreement around the fact that life's most important learning occurs outside the home setting and school halls. Study halls with instructors, classmates, and reading material are obviously one great way to learn. However, we learn more from life experiences and our interactions with others than we ever could from a book or a classroom. And the more diverse our interactions, the more we learn.

What better way to engage in diverse interactions than traveling? From visiting the MUSEE DE LOUVRE in Paris to climbing the Kilimanjaro Mountain in Tanzania; whether you’re laying on a beach in Acapulco or struggling to speak to a woman selling mangoes at the Kimironko fruit market in Kigali, Rwanda, you never visit an unfamiliar place without learning something new and valuable. 

Here are some benefits you gain from traveling that money could never buy. 

Discovering contrasts and similarities between distant societies. 

Travel to a different country or even a different part of your own nation and you will discover how life around the globe differs and how cultures existing thousands of miles apart can be similar. 

Societies in various parts of the globe differ, but at the same time, they are similar in their habits, food, languages, decorums, and ways of life in general. In any case, No matter how distant societies are, they all share an intriguing number of characteristics such as societal structures, relating to strangers, arts, nature, etc. 

Learning about History. 

A society’s History is undoubtedly its greatest heritage. It gives contextual meaning to societal values, beliefs, and habits. It also serves as a landmark, guiding societies in determining the future they aspire to build. For many who have never been to Rwanda, or learnt about the country’s recent past, hearing the name “RWANDA” automatically has them thinking that in 1994, there was a genocide in Rwanda, about one million people were killed and the country’s economy was irrevocably crashed. Unless you visit Kigali city and discover how clean and safe it is, (Kigali holds the title of Africa’s cleanest city) unless you learn that despite controversies raised by western media, the country is ranked among the best in Africa in terms of good governance, unless you learn that Rwanda has completely recovered from the sequelae of the 1994 genocide and is currently among the fastest-growing economies of the world, all you will know about the country will be limited to the inaccurate information spread about its dark past. Learning a country’s history teaches about the developments and major chronicled occasions of its past, every one of which occurrences is full of interesting facts and learnings. What we find out about history through course readings is veered off from the real world. Above all that books and media can say, visiting a country remains the ultimate best way to truly comprehend its history. Getting into interactive discourse with local people, walking around the streets and visiting exhibition halls, royal residences, and display unveil a country's history in a progressively precise manner. 

Learning new languages.

Anyone who has ever embarked on a journey of learning a new language understands that the fastest and easiest way to make progress is to spend time around people who speak the language you are learning. If you are intentionally learning a new language, subsequent to learning the nuts and bolts through books, applications or recordings, you can extend your learning faster when you talk with the real local speakers. Travelling teaches us languages spoken in the places we visit.

In addition to learning languages, we learn manners and hidden communication codes of different cultures. You probably know that Rwandan women are among the be most beautiful women in Africa, but unless you have been to Rwanda, you would not know not that the most appreciated compliment among Rwanda women is when a man tells them that their eyes are as beautiful as those of a calf. 

When you travel, you don't simply test your language abilities in a genuine situation, but additionally, you learn things like emphasis, sound, and slang in the most down to earth way. 

Uncovering your blindspots on the world. 

Travel shows you not just about the world as it was before yet in addition as it is today. It's presumably the most ideal approach to really comprehend the political circumstance, financial situation, and social structure of the world we are living in today. Our perspectives about removed individuals and societies are regularly impacted by what we are taken care of through the media. Venturing out is an approach to find out about them no doubt and not through the eyes of the media, which are frequently lopsided and preferential. At the point when you start to travel frequently, you completely start to comprehend the hidden explanations for why the social orders of various territories are molded with a specific goal in mind and vary from the social orders in different spots. 

Gaining new social aptitudes. 

You might be minimally timid and think that it is hard to connect socially with yourself. In any case, voyaging will change that as things like conversing with complete outsiders or approaching them for a favor isn't a choice yet a need during movements. Think of it when you’re at the airport and someone walks up to you asking for directions of the boarding time for a particular flight number and it turns out you’re on the same flight. Then a conversation erupts and finally leaves both of you connected even thereafter. 

If you are thinking about some self-awareness courses, you don't have to do as such. Travel your way to a magnificent spot someplace and if conceivable, all alone. You'll develop obviously superior through such courses. 

Lack of abilities in discussion, introduction, and open talking frequently limit open doors for us. The majority of us think that it's hard to ace them how enthusiastically we attempt. In case you're confronting trouble with them, voyaging will make your circumstance a lot simpler. 

It is quite unfortunate to notice, however, that traveling is not an experience accessible to most Africans. For this reason, over the past year, we have been working to give all Africans the opportunity to explore the continent. To achieve this, we have built Bongalo, an online booking platform connecting travelers to affordable and comfortable accommodation across Africa. In addition to offering accommodation booking services, we constantly search and share some of the best destinations and activities to undertake during your trip across Africa. 

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