Education: What Sets the UK Apart?
Top Ranked Universities
The University of Oxford holds it's rank as number one in the world for 2022, as per the Times Higher Education university table, as it has done for the past 5 years. Rival university Cambridge ranks at #5.
Compared to Europe which only holds one university in the top 25 of the world rankings, the United Kingdom alone has four.
Respected Heritage
Many seats of education in the UK are rooted in history. Oxford and Cambridge are amongst the world's oldest higher education institutions.
It is estimated that Oxford begun teaching from 1096.
Teaching begun in Cambridge over a hundred years later in 1206.
Abbey College in Malvern has roots back to the 19th century, as The Abbey had briefly been a ladies school run by a Miss Laura Matilda Edmunds circa 1876. Since then, it has adapted to become an international seat of learning for top scholars, which have included the children and grandchildren of Kings, Heads of State and other pre-eminent global figures.
Duration of Studies
Compared to the US where students must study for 4 years for their bachelors degree, students in the UK can complete their degree in three, or undertake an increasingly important placement year in industry for an additional year.
Prior to reaching university, University Foundation Courses offer students a fast track, one-year route to a wide range of British and other international university degree courses as an alternative to A Levels. These courses are specifically designed for overseas students who have a high school certificate or other academic qualifications which may not be recognised by British or other universities.
Innovative Teaching
Across the UK education institutions are dedicated on providing the lowest student per staff ratios, in order to provide each student as much personalised supported learning as possible, bringing the best out of each student's potential.
If you wish to contact the college regarding university pathways and the courses we can provide you, please feel free to contact us on 01684 892 300 or email us at [email protected].