Education and Training
Association for Supply Chain Management Northern Colorado and Wichita
Administrator at ASCM Northern Colorado and Wichita
One Or The Other
Think about the concepts of education and training. The words have different meanings which must set them apart from one another. Why are words like that?
Education can be described as the process of learning general knowledge while developing reasoning and judgment. For organizations, we think of education as teaching people why we do what we do. The knowledge will often apply to many organizations and relate to current or future roles and responsibilities.
Training can be defined as developing a particular skill, to a desired standard, through instruction and practice. For organizations, we think of training as teaching people how to do their job. The knowledge will usually be company specific and apply to current work procedures.
It’s clear education and training are different things. Does that mean we need to keep them separate? Do we run educational events one day and training events the next? Is a professional certification course considered education or is it training?
The questions won’t stop coming!
Find the answers in the rest of the article, by Mike Loughrin, at: Education and Training.