Education through real-world problem solving
Education through real-world problem solving

Education through real-world problem solving In ultramodern times, nearly as an artistic practice, education has been elevated to the inauguration of the ultramodern world. Literacy, literacy has become a necessity in dealing with the many challenges of modern times. With the help of formal education training, people acquire literacy skills. As a strategy to ensure that no child is denied the opportunity to receive a formal education, not sending a child to school is a crime in some parts of the world, especially in Western countries. In addition, some governments are helping their citizens to receive a decent education by subsidizing the cost or making it available at no cost (at a basic level, at least).



It is impossible to enter the present age if one does not go to school. Therefore, education is not a luxury. It is a high necessity for students. The people’s attitude toward education at that time seemed to suggest, in fact, in Plato’s theology, that it was better not to be born than to be illiterate. The need for education in various parts of the world is growing exponentially. People make great sacrifices to get an education. Parents are willing to give up everything they have to see their children go to school. Some people go abroad to receive training for advanced education. Getting a good education is one of the most important things in life today.

However, even though the widespread acceptance of formal education is gained worldwide, one of the most important questions about education is often asked, “What is the corresponding education in real life?

It is important to note that education is a means to an end, but not a conclusion in itself. What this means is that education is a process that leads to product development. The process is incomplete without a product. It is a product that offers several options. Process quality can be considered from product quality. As a way, education is not complete without the end of the process. This conclusion is an objective (education) designed to serve (under ideal circumstances). Let us confirm our assertion that the expected impacts of education are not the health of most educated people by examining the most critical health status of educated people, their finances.

How many educated people are financially successful? Most of the graduates are struggling to make ends meet but to no avail. More people graduate from higher education (even higher class), but much fewer people with less academic training (academic excellence and learning ability) than those with high levels of financial success. Probably, financial struggles and problems are worse among educated people. Many educated people work hard throughout their working years to make a living, but to no avail, and save up for debt at their retirement.

The inability of education to help graduates manage real-life challenges stems from the fact that most people do not know the purpose of education. Why do we go to school? Why should people go to school? What is the purpose of education? What is the reason for education? What are the educational goals? Why should students go to school? Education is one of the most abused or, rather, the most incredible human experiences. Unless the purpose of education is understood and clarified, the continued abuse (by most people) will always be inevitable. Many people go to school for their wrong decision. In addition, many parents send their children to school for the wrong reasons. Many people have misconceptions about educational goals.

It is worth noting that this problem stems from the great motivation to go to school in its early days in different parts of the world as a ticket to prosperity. This was possible because job opportunities were high for educated people at the time. But things have changed, and significantly. In many parts of the world today, there is a high level of unemployment among the educated. Thus, education no longer guarantees financial success. Education has become a major cause of poverty, given that it has no provision for investing in the principles of wealth creation for students.

The idea of going to school to get a certificate should be criticized if the training will improve the lives of educated people. The idea of going to school to prepare for a rewarding career should also be criticized because there is little chance of hiring undergraduate students. If the school prepares graduates, but there is less employment potential for graduates, the school is preparing students for unemployment. That is why the idea that a school prepares students for a rewarding career is unacceptable.

The ideal purpose of education is to facilitate human development – a balance of intellectual, moral, physical, social, spiritual, intellectual, and psychological well-being. Attending school should aid in the full development of all aspects of one’s life. A good education system should not exclude any individual feature from the training process, nor should it consider certain more important aspects. Anything less than this is disobedience, and it is not acceptable.

The whole educational process should be able to help students develop their hidden abilities. Any educational process that does not achieve this purpose is useless. When the mind is developed, it can identify and solve humanity’s problems and, as a result, is rewarded with rewards. Money is a reward for solving problems. Any qualified person who can solve problems in society does not have the power to create wealth. This is a fact that most graduates do not know about.

Education will enable the graduates to enjoy a happy and satisfying life is designed to help them develop their mental faculties. Education will equip the graduates with the skills needed to survive the economic battles and real-life challenges if this is done. It is very sad to note that education has not achieved a specific goal because many of the things the school system teaches students are things they do not need to live in real life. In other words, many students spend years in school learning things that will not help them when the school days are over. At the root of this lack of an education system is that people who are very concerned about the education system are unaware of your existence.

Suppose the education system is reorganized to achieve this goal. In that case, the graduates will be assets, but not liabilities, regardless of the circumstances. This tutorial will help students to create job opportunities if they are unable to find jobs after graduation. As mentioned earlier, education is a process, and the whole process is complete without product. Product quality is the most reliable measure of the quality of the process you produce. There is an urgent need to restructure the education system to ensure that student-centered training gives them sufficient strength to cope with life’s challenges successfully, especially after school days.

Even though the consequences of the systemic failure of the current system are causing serious incidents for many graduates in real life, the government has shown a lack of capacity to address this challenge. As a result, it has become increasingly clear that graduates who sincerely desire a bright, refreshing, and enjoyable life must further their education before their schooling can have the desired effect on their lives. It also means that students should also go beyond what they are taught in class if they are genuinely passionate about happiness in the real world (that is, life after school).

Eugene C. Onyibo is an inspiring speaker, entrepreneur, philosopher, trainer, business coach, financial expert, and published author. She is the publisher of Inspiration Express, an inspiring online magazine. He is also the author of the book Now You Are a Graduate, What Next?: A Handbook for Fresh Graduates, a best-selling inspirational book that has helped many (fresh) graduates worldwide. Eugene C. Onyibo (a well-traveled and highly sought-after speaker at seminars, workshops, conferences, etc.) and co-ordinator of private and public organizations.


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