Education teaching walls.
In these very difficult times, with the cost of living crisis putting so many people into very difficult situations, the education sector is finding it's self under more pressure than ever before to perform and maintain teaching staff levels while achieving set targets for their pupils . Funding and wages like all public sector areas is a major concern that needs addressing, but another is the working environment. The improved conditions of a working classroom is one area where education walls can improve the learning space for both students & teachers alike.
Its storage, design and focal point improve the classroom experience and takes the classroom to the next level.
A clean fresh classroom can improve student awareness and a visual point can help with concentration levels too.
Tailored to your requirements, built to stand the test of time.
Installed in a time frame to meet the needs of the school, like half terms, summer holidays and ready and in place for the new term.
If you would like to find out more please contact us at
Always ready and happy to answer any questions you might have.