Education Reform

Education Reform

The most prosperous, stable, and contented nations are those most educated. After food, education is an important factor in a nation’s Workforce, Birthrate, CrimeRate, Wealth, and Democracy. Schools are the heart of its nations character, it not only teaches the foundation of learning, reasoning, and problem-solving... but social interactions, negotiation, and equality. In addition, it builds healthy habits of reading, exercise, and diet.

National Standards

  • As a nation Educators, Child Development Experts, and Employers, should come together every few years to define what they expect in a citizen and employee upon graduation.
  • Realizing the arc of a 14-18 year education, the curriculum should be based on age-appropriate development of the subjects. Tell history as a complete narrative, rather than simplistic synopsis of trivia questions. It's criminal everyone can tell you the whole life story of a fictional character on a TV show, than that of an American president. Or the plot of a movie than they know of world history.
  • Create a tracking system to predict paths of education based on the student's attributes and plan to provide the resources to grow them.
  • Create a database of best practices, where Educators can share techniques and resources.
  • Provide ALL students a (custom built) Writing Tablets (i.e. reMarkable). These tablets would replace all paper and all books, with access to the resources of an entire library in their hands. This will save billions, always be up to date, and give every student equal access to the same resources.
  • Contracting with local farmers whenever possible, provide ALL students regardless of ability to pay, with a balanced Breakfast, Snack, and Lunch for Free. There is a reason poor children underperform. Poor diet leads to poor educations. A school for the most disruptive students completely ended Disciplinary problems by simply removing processed foods from their cafeteria. The Twinkie defense is a real thing.


Currently, public schools are funded 45% by the State, 45% by the County/City, and 10% by the Federal Government equaling $12,612usd per child per year. I propose changing it to provide equal educations to every child in every district.

  • Schools will be built and/or maintained by developers.
  • School maintenance would be paid for by property taxes.
  • ALL Schools would receive EQUAL funding per child taken as a fixed percentage of the Federal budget for the salaries for the optimal number of Teachers and Administrators needed based on the number of students.
  • Like HOAs, all schools should have to follow a fixed Maintenance Schedule and the Department of Education would audit each school to make sure that all students have the resources and facilities for equal education. Bring up the schools that lag behind.
  • End Student Loans.
  • Create Student Development Investments for Vocation or Higher Education.

Regulating Costs of Education

The Department of Education would regulate tuitions as a percentage based on the median income and the overall value of the degree.

Preschool to High School should be free and include healthy meals, fitness, and healthcare screenings. 

School Vouchers for funding (minus fixed expense) is transferable to accredited Private School that do not teach an ideology, as FULL TUITION. This would include Home Schooling if the Teacher Parent and the child pass the National Standards of achievement. Up to (2-Biological Children, unlimited for adopted).

Vocation or Higher Education should be accessible to all minds that achieve that level. I would remove the current financial aid system for one based on ability. So Individuals and Schools can invest in students. Anyone can pay the tuition for another (or as a retirement investment) with the guarantee that they will receive (let's say 3%) of their income till 65. So instead of a For-Profit Schools talking a student into taking out a $50,000 loan backed by the taxpayers to give them a course on tape. Or a Non-For-Profit School talking them into a $150,000 loan. That institution would provide the student with a no-up-front-cost education in exchange for 3% of their earnings before retirement paid through their Debt Account (see Tax Reform). Regardless if they end up working for minimum wage or being the next tech billionaire they would not be penalized for trying to make something of themselves and incentivizes the school to provide the best education and placement. This doesn't exclude paying cash for their education as I did, but for those who can’t or choose to defer for future earnings, they will always have access.

  • Non-profit Universities
  • For-Profit Trade Schools
  • Private Investors can also pay someone’s tuition for that 1-3% of their income.

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