EDUCATION FOR LIFE: “Changing thinking for a better world”

There are basically two main types of education.

- Type 1 education imparts knowledge – puts knowledge into a person.

- Type 2 education draws out human potential – draws out the unlimited potential within each individual.

The current education system is Type 1.

Teachers impart or teach knowledge. When we graduate we receive a certificate that indicates the level of our knowledge on a particular subject matter such as English, Mathematics, Science, Geography, History, etc. In this modern age of technology, we are bombarded with knowledge every day through the medium of radio, newspaper, books, magazines, television, Internet, schools, etc. There is no shortage of knowledge and it is readily accessible - there is no need to visit the library anymore because the “library” is now in the palm of our hands.

Formal employment is contingent on a “good” education level depending on the job specification. Type 1 education is basically working class education - we graduate with a certificate to look for formal employment.

Type 2 education is MIND development.

Type 2 education is about “learning”. What is there to learn? What are the subjects? The good news is “you decide” what you wish to learn.

- Do you wish to learn how to become rich or wealthy?

- Do you wish to learn how to make money, lots of money, millions of Kina?

- Do you wish to learn how to benefit & prosper from your talents?

- Do you wish to learn how to benefit & prosper from your natural resources - your land, forest, sea, etc?

- Do you wish to learn how to become a successful sportsman or woman?

- Do you wish to learn how to develop and own a successful profitable business, from micro, small, medium & large enterprises?

- Do you wish to learn how to acquire your own permanent house?

- Do you wish to learn how to become self-reliant & financially independent?

You can learn how to BE any anything - successful doctor, pilot, farmer, fisherman, musician, businessman, teacher, etc.

You can learn how to DO anything you want.

You can learn how to HAVE anything you want.

The problem is everyone wants this & that, but very few are prepared to put in the effort to LEARN how to achieve what they want.

Type 2 education is the development of the mind, through learning, to ORGANIZE & USE knowledge, resources, money, talent, time, teamwork & so on to achieve whatever you want in life - whatever you wish to BE, DO & HAVE.

Type 2 education can either be self-directed or directed. Initially it is directed(coaching) until the mind is sufficiently developed when learning becomes self-directed.

Type 2 education is similar to learning how to ride a bicycle, which cannot be taught it can only be learned. It is just not possible for a teacher to teach you how to balance on a two-wheeled bicycle in the confines of a classroom with chalk and board.

Learning how to ride a bicycle is called “experiential” knowledge, which can only be acquired through experience. We need to get on the bike, fall down a few times, before we learn how to balance and pedal forward safely.

Learning the composition of materials in a bike, style, size, color, weight, gears, tyres, aero-dynamics (knowledge) is not necessary to learn how to ride a bicycle.

Both type 1 and type 2 education are important. Those who are seeking employment need type 1 education.

You can learn how to become RICH – physically, mentally & spiritually.

You can learn how to BE, DO & HAVE anything you wish.

The education to learn how to develop your mind is the key to a

prosperous life.



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