The Education of Healing
Elizabeth Anne Edwards
A Native Idahoan who Believes that Life is too Short to Not Love It!
Today is Day 7 of the '64 Ways in 64 Days' living in non violence daily exercise of the Season for NonViolence 2022. I had mentioned at the beginning of this exercise that one of the most important aspects for myself is to be certain to take the time to post the word of the day along with the quotation, affirmation and suggested practice.
Yesterday, I was so busy with Saturday chores I realized late last night that I had neglected to post for Day 7. Today I decided to combine the two days into one. Day 7 the word is Education, and Day 8 is Healing. I have found in my life that healing does take education, for we must be open to looking at our own behaviors that might not work as well as we thought, and that I also learn volumes in my own healing journey.
"Establishing lasting peace is the work of education; all politics can do is keep us out of war." - Maria Montessori
One who has been educated well, has not only acquired knowledge and the ability to reason, but has learned to listen and to seek understanding, has learned that character matters. Today I know that education is peacebuilding by another name.
Learn about the power of nonviolence by educating yourself. Read an article, periodical or book; watch a video on a subject that relates to nonviolence. Learn about human rights, diversity, ecology, history, politics, forgiveness, spirituality, peace studies, biographies of heroes and more. Share what you have learned with at least three other people, and invite them to learn, too.
On the subject of education, when I was married to my son's father, he would watch a series titled; "Eyes on the Prize". The first time I watched this documentary with him, I was so saddened by the information that I learned about the Civil Rights movement struggle, and I could not understand why he would devote so much time to watching this documentary.
After a few more years of marriage and witnessing time and time again the difference in how we both were treated in public situations, I understood. It is one documentary series that I would highly recommend to anyone who wants to open their mind and see life from another's perspective.
Day 8
"I can be changed by what happens to me; I refuse to be reduced by it." - Maya Angelou
Within every experience, there exists a gem...a lesson, a kernel of truth, a new perspective, an unforeseen alliance...Today I am willing to be healed by even the most unlikely circumstances.
Reflect on an incident in your life to find the 'gift' it has brought you. Write down two ways you can use this memory to become a more creative and peaceful person. Consciously, share this gift with others.
For myself, I would have to say it was the birth of my only child, now a grown man. I married someone who is African-American, Native American and I lovingly like to refer to myself as 'Euro-Caucasian' - a mutts blend of Irish, Scottish, English, German, and Scandinavian. This marriage was in the early 1990's, and even though things have changed since that time we were the only inter-racial couple at the church we attended. I believe we may have been the first inter-racial marriage on both sides of our families.
Seeing the world from my former husband's eyes, experiencing the difference in how some folks will choose to treat you and your child, has opened my eyes to the reality of this world.
As naive as I was back then, I thought that our love and our child would change the world. That did not happen, but both of our individual worlds' have been changed dramatically and for the better for bringing that beautiful soul to this planet.
We all are here for a reason, and we all are a part of God. Perhaps just the acknowledgement that those who do not look like yourself are also a part of the Creator is a first step in education, and the first step in healing.