Education in this digital world of online learning and social networking
Education in this digital world of online learning and social networking
Students need to have access to interesting educational opportunities that will help them get ready for life in a technologically advanced society. It is made possible by the application of numerous cutting-edge technologies and evaluation methods. Everyone has objectives for educational strategies, and supporting educational technology might make those objectives easier to complete. In my opinion, a person should change as a result of better educational techniques, becoming more enlightened, empowered, enriched, and suitable for societal demands. In this era of networking and the digital revolution, I place a higher priority on my professional growth and development than I do on the educational system. The perspectives and ideas I gained from taking part in the module are presented in the portfolio below, along with my values and professional aspirations.
Schools and institutions in general must assume new roles to provide a well-rounded advantage in today's education, which goes beyond purely "book learning" to include a wider range of social and personal development. Formerly, graduates with a sound foundation in reading, writing, or basic math could find satisfying employment (Autor et al., 2020). The competitive nature of the modern world, however, would make it difficult for a mediocre, underprivileged student with a poor education to succeed. In the past, schools served as places where students were taught to obediently follow instructions given to them to discipline them, teach them teamwork, and make them competitive (Lai & Bower, 2019). However, generations of students who attended such schools proved to be more like assembly-line workers, lacking problem-solving abilities. Rather than just being well-behaved robots who follow rules, today's youth need to think more like experts who can solve complex problems. In today's world, it is more important than ever for them to learn how to use discretion, judgment, and critical and creative thought processes (Olayan, 2019). These advanced skills were considered to be the domain of wealthy people who attended expensive schools or were experienced adults. Today's students expect more from the educational system because they are required to have these skills for entry-level jobs in all fields. Therefore, in the digital age of global competition, educational institutions must prepare students for improved collaborative work, complex problem-solving, creative/critical thinking, research, and synthesis.
The way we learn has fundamentally changed thanks to digital technologies and networking. In addition to serving as a source of information, the internet also serves as a venue for social interaction, academic research, and creative expression. People use online resources and digital technologies to carry out a variety of daily tasks, making them an essential part of daily life. The dependence of education on the digital and network ages is not an exception. One should agree with the fact that education in today's world cannot be completed without digital aid and online resources. Creating students who are knowledgeable and obedient and who can follow instructions is no longer the goal of education (Natolochnaya et al., 2020). However, it is more about adopting a synthetic and novel approach to life, as well as analytical and creative thinking. They won't be able to handle the constantly changing environment around them unless you teach them about today's quick-paced and dynamic world. The institution, as well as the instructor, will soon begin to experience backlash from the students if they do not adapt to these constantly shifting dynamics and urgently needed changes around them (Yao et al., 2020). We must incorporate new learning theories into the educational system to adapt to societal changes. The networked age has altered education in some ways and is currently affecting how today's young brains function. When children and students have access to cutting-edge tools and technology and use them to acquire knowledge or create new knowledge, they feel happier and more satisfied. Additionally, it boosts their self-esteem and sense of accomplishment, enabling them to use their tool even more effectively. When conversing and interacting with them, one may come to realize that they may know and comprehend their world in their unique authentic manner, which is different from the traditional manner. They are far ahead of their time due to their regular access to and proximity to these advanced technological tools, which has increased their knowledge and awareness in a variety of ways (Fedorenko et al., 2019).
Those who hold a different opinion might argue that young people who have access to such modern conveniences are resentful, reluctant, lazy, and unmotivated. Their capacity for creative thinking and problem-solving is reduced, and they may become more dependent and unprepared for actual life situations as a result (Gentile, 2021). Virtual online learning may tell them what to do, but it can never teach them how to do it. They can only learn in a long-term and lasting way through practical, hands-on experience in a real-life situation. However, some might also argue that this digital world has brought everything closer. A student who is present in a classroom has access to the entire world, can learn about it, and can maintain connections.
It all began in 2020 when the global COVID pandemic killed millions. Digital gadgets had to be used in every educational facility to educate the younger generation. Since then, various nations have tried to educate children via computers or mobile devices (Vargo et al., 2021). Some countries have blended physical and digital learning environments, and the results have been dramatic improvements in children's performance because they can easily research any questions they may have. Although some people think that digital learning is bad for kids, in my opinion, kids can learn better with the help of educational websites, digital tools, online resources, and information technology. Computers, in my opinion, have the potential to be the next big thing. Projectors, which are more sophisticated than standard whiteboards, can also be used in place of whiteboards or blackboards. Additionally, teaching should be prioritized over AI for improved student success (Yao et al., 2020). Artificial intelligence has already aided mankind in its quest for knowledge. It has the potential to do the same for the coming generations. ?
Throughout the lengthy lockdowns, isolations, and quarantines that occurred during the COVID pandemic, we discovered how to stay connected despite the distances separating us. The majority of the significant businesses, corporations, industries, and establishments learned to adapt to the circumstances at that time to survive. The businesses that couldn't adapt to the requirements, on the other hand, were all shut down and eliminated. Since education has always been a fundamental need for people, the pandemic only made it work in the way that it required. Even when they were completely closed, schools and educational institutions continued to operate online with the aid of cutting-edge technology. Even before the pandemic began, some institutions were operating all those facilities, but those that weren't were now forced to operate using digital and online resources. One of the main advantages was that it made everyone learn how to use all of these facilities and realize that the future might not be possible without them. Even those schools of thought that opposed these concepts earlier were beginning to realize the value of these digital and online resources. We have all learned the value and significance of education in the digital and networked age due to the COVID pandemic.