Education + Action = Character
Assembling playground pieces for a local school

Education + Action = Character

I am currently reading a fabulous book called The Soul of Civility. In her chapter on education, author Alexandra O. Hudson provides a fascinating history of civility in education. She tells the reader that the word ethics comes from the Greek word ethos--which means character. She notes that across history, education has been seen as a process through which ethics are taught and character is formed. It's a wonderful lesson which provides a springboard into this week's topic of character development through action.

In my volunteer work, I spend a fair amount of informal time with middle school and high school aged youth that are not my own. I sometimes ask about what school is like for them. Their answers are usually a mixed bag. Most understand the importance of it but find it stifling, boring, and lacking in its challenge. They easily recognize that their teachers are caring, well-intentioned people who are underpaid and likely trapped in a bureaucratic system. Several times the phrase "we just get taught how to pass the test" is contained in their responses. The classroom focus tends to be on foundational instruction and preparation for the next grade level. Given this environment it is easy for students to believe that the purpose of education is to get decent grades and follow the rules. What's missing from that equation is the importance of connection to others and the importance of cultivating character through action.

Luckily, there are organizations like Scouting America? where young people can supplement their formal education with values-based activities like community service, citizenship training, and cooperative vs. competitive experiences (i.e. unit camping). These experiences provide them an opportunity to develop as a whole person. Volunteer mentors help them see that they are a part of something larger than themselves and that they have a responsibility as citizens to improve their communities.

Justice Sandra Day O'Connor stressed the importance of instilling values in our young people saying, "we pay a price when we deprive children of the exposure to values, principles, and education they need to make them good citizens." She recognized that civics has gradually been reduced as a focus in our educational system. Justice O'Connors ICivics program is a terrific resource for anyone who wants to help young people participate fully in our ongoing experiment with self-government.

"We pay a price when we deprive children of the exposure to values, principles, and education they need to make them good citizens" --Sandra Day O'Connor, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States

In scouting, young people are provided an opportunity to put into action both their education and the values they are working to clarify. They are encouraged to care for themselves, to try new things, to learn from failure, to challenge respectfully, and above all, to respect and help other people. In the program, scouts begin to recognize that "being good is better than looking good." They are provided a set of ideals that trace back through the ages.

The Scout Oath helps them put their priorities in order: God (accountable and grateful to a higher power, however one defines that power), Others (a person cannot be fully human alone), and Self (put your own oxygen mask on first). The Scout Law provides them guidance on how they should behave. The Scout Motto of "Be Prepared" reminds them to plan ahead and to think before they act. The Scout Slogan "Do a Good Turn Daily" nudges them to build the habit of becoming cheerfully helpful.

Installation of the playground - Completing the Good Turn

Action completes what education starts. Providing young people with space and time to develop their character through cooperation and service by utilizing the scouting program of outdoor fun is a gift. One the more than 400,000 of us who volunteer are happy to invite you to open whenever you are ready. If you're a parent, we encourage you to explore scouting for both the future of your children and the future of your community. If you're a teacher, scouting can supplement your work by leveraging the knowledge you have worked so hard to transfer to your young charges. If you're someone who has more financial means than free time, there are over a million young "points of light" who could use that energy to make the world a brighter place. As we say in Wood Badge, Action Changes Things.

Yours in Scouting.

The above article reflects my personal perspective and is not affiliated, endorsed, or representative of Scouting America?


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