Educating your customers and why it matters
Call center worker accompanied by her team. By REDPIXEL. Courtesy of Adobe Stock Photo

Educating your customers and why it matters

Customer product education is an essential part of being a successful business. From taking the time to explain product features, function, and service to more general product knowledge, it's all important. This attention - taking the time to educate the customer, will help them make an educated decision when it comes to purchasing your product and become a long-term customer due to the great service and attention.

Let’s take the concept of framerate for example. For those that may not know, framerate is a measure of how many still pictures your device can display in one second. These still images flowing into one another create the illusion of movement. Higher framerate equals a smoother picture. Imagine a flipbook with thousands of photos making for smooth animation vs one with only a few images that result in a clunky sort of animation. Next time you’re at an electronics store have someone show you the difference between 30 frames per seconds (FPS) 60 fps and even 144 fps – you’ll see instant differences.

Higher framerate much like higher resolutions can require a higher bandwidth to achieve. For us at Primus, we do our utmost to deliver the best bandwidth that our customers need to achieve those higher framerates through IPTV. Through higher framerates, you can achieve a smoother viewing experience and we want our customers to have that option.

Here’s another example, the idea of packet loss. Picture your internet connection as a series of letters in envelopes that make up a “conversation”. Now, imagine that due to a faulty Wi-Fi connection one of those letters gets lost along the way. This can cause all sorts of issues, stutters, dropped calls, and disconnected games. Fortunately, there are ways to resolve this issue.

The one we’re most proud of is our Mesh Wi-Fi system. Through this product, we can keep the connection more consistent and avoid packet loss. This helps avoid those annoying disconnects, dropped calls, or the dreaded loading circle on your favourite streaming services.

So, let’s make the connection - it wouldn’t matter how great this product or any of our products are if we didn’t work to ensure our customer base knows what Mesh Wi-Fi does and why it matters.

At Primus, we educate our customers by providing them with a user guide included with most products and web guides to help them with any remaining questions. We also offer educational emails, and of course our excellent customer care team. We work to ensure our product information is kept up to date so customers can educate themselves on their new product with ease.

What are some of things you’re doing to keep your customers in the loop?



