Edu-Seal: Strategic visioning approach on data-based and human-centric value creation in Higher Education
Polymath on a Mission ? Radical Innovation × 2nd-Order Cybernetics??Maven in Strategic Visioning ? AI ∞ Deep-Tech Ethics | ThinkTank Lead | ?? AI-Thinking ? Infosomatic Shift ? Age of Sapiocracy ??Sapiognosis ??????
The Academic Initiative?for strategic Intelligence and Conceptual Cybernetics (AISICC) I recently started to establish aims to reshape?civilization design?according to ethical and economic potential of complexity-open?cybernetic mindset?for rethinking of society, economy, culture etc.
Edu-Seal is the?conceptual approach?on how to apply?strategic vision?of?human-centric value creation?on?higher education with help of?data-based enabling infrastructure?powered by?Artificial Intelligence.
Guided by Potential
Great Thinkers like Aristoteles, Baruch de Spinoza, Immanuel?Kant as well as Edmund Husserl, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Wladimir?Wernadski, Heinz von Foerster, Ernst von Glasersfeld or my doctoral supervisor Siegfried J. Schmidt recognized the?power of potentiality, searching for?universal ethical mindset?using it. And the power of potential is evident throughout the?nature of life or physicality?between?self-regulation?and?control. The most placative constitutional?quality?of Potentials is the?ability to unfold.
Actuality vs. Potentiality
What is crucial to our civilization is human potential. Although our?attention?is distracted by bodily?self-regulation,?control?of the sociotechnical environment, our potential will unfold when we have real?intersubjectivityinstead of?communication?and less control necessity for more awareness of our?self-actualization. You can mentally replace?intersubjectivity?with?telepathy?to understand the impact.
The evolution of the human civilization can be understood in 3 Phases. First was analog actuality, now we have augmented actuality we call?digitalization,?and its apogee is?human potentiality.?If it’s completely unfolded, we have a?really human?world worth living in.
What does Digital Transformation mean?
What we call digital transformation is a potential enabling (infosomatic*) turn that promotes a shift from a predominantly analog reality towards human potentiality by balancing out mediality redundancies and preventing distortions in the information metabolism of civilizational control systems. The allopoietic systems controlled by the binding of human attention unfold their immanent self-regulation (autopoietic) potential, whereby human attention is emancipated for the purpose of better self-regulation of creative-strategic human effectiveness.
What we call human potentiality involves practically creative intelligence, because it is above all subject-immanent, cognition-oriented creativity that makes us human. Strategic effectiveness is the intelligence to do the right things in the future so results (what is meant are basically anthropogenic autopoietic systems with attention-binding emergence such as media, cultures, procedures, technologies, or even everyday objects) don't cancel each other out. Human subjects' potentiality has to do with the ability to orient oneself, which aims to create knowledge about how human potential emancipation opportunities can emerge.
On the other side of those dialectic Yin Yang of intelligences we have co-evolution of autopoietic and allopoietic steering: What we identify as Artificial Intelligence (AI)?is basically an?augmented?intelligence which emerges as an expanding?infrastructure?with its practical focus on tactical?efficiency, an?intelligence of doing things?right.
Handling Complexity: Potentiality Thinking vs. Actuality Thinking
The practically relevant, but also theoretically and methodologically consistent way of conceptualizing the dynamics relevant to civilization is cybernetics as a science of mastering natural self-regulatory potentials in complexity-reducing framework conditions of human survival world, which provides us with the fundamental best practice methods, which are basically: principle of potential (ethical Imperative according to Heinz von Foerster: "Always act in such a way that the number of your choices increases") and principle of viability (aesthetic imperative: "If you want to see, learn to act". )
Now we can roughly compare two basic attitudes that subliminally shape our way of thinking toward the realism of the complexity of human possibilities and that currently compete in shaping our civilization course.
Meaning of Education in the Future
Based on the briefly outlined relevant connections, we were able to identify two meanings of education.
On the one hand, the conventional complexity reduction routine of analogue reality construction, which aims at an attention-intensive, predominantly efficiency-based stabilization of the supporting allopoetic civilization routines. It is founded on the functional knowledge of technical intelligence and has little epistemological meaning. With the advent of AI, it is increasingly left to the self-regulation of intelligent technical infrastructures, which can increasingly free human attention.
On the other hand, the relevance understood in connection with the development of human potential is growing, to emancipate, profile and cultivate that complexity-open, future-oriented control intelligence that is dedicated to the development of human potential and strategic creativity of sustainable knowledge acquisition.
According to the Human Potentiality Mindset, the relevance of education shifts from attention-intensive control of allopoietic infrastructures by conditioned people with highly specialized professional profiles to the sustainable securing of meaning-oriented knowledge.
The higher education of the future will find the relevance of the Humboldtian universality principles again, upgrading it in a new potential-oriented openness to complexity, whereby systemic, strategic and cybernetic knowledge becomes the focus.
The economic pendant to this perspective is the sustainable and resilient enabling of human potentiality longings?for self-actualization, self-realization and self-transcendence.
And even if we speak about the future of work we still have to consider the shift from Actuality towards Potentiality as its driving force.
According to the outlined tendencies, university of the future should?combine at least several functionalities. As an integrated data-driven emergent service Edu-Seal will combine Higher Education,?Eduction?Consulting and Life Mentoring with at least Human Relations in one Service or even Gadget.?
The conceptual elaboration roughly outlined here was created as part of the keynote presentation prepared for participation in the "Moving Target" (2022) conference.
? 2022-2023 Dr. Leon Tsvasman Academic Initiative?for strategic Intelligence and Conceptual Cybernetics (AISICC), Dr. Leon Tsvasman. All rights reserved.
Selected relevant and further deepening sources by the author on outlined concepts:
Tsvasman, Leon?(2008): On the viability of?being a?“self-orienting subject”. Constructivist Foundations 3(2): 84–86.?
Tsvasman, Leon (2006, Hg.): Das gro?e Lexikon Medien und Kommunikation, Würzburg: Ergon Verlag with Articles on Cybernetics etc. by Ernst von glasersfeld et al.
Tsvasman, Leon (2021): Infosomatische?Wende. Impulse für intelligentes Zivilisationsdesign.?Nomos, Baden-Baden
Tsvasman, Leon (2019): AI-Thinking. Dialog eines Vordenkers und eines Praktikers über die Bedeutung künstlicher Intelligenz.?Nomos, Baden-Baden