Editor's letter: your weekly digest

Editor's letter: your weekly digest

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Liquidity risk never really goes away, which is why Evgueni Ivantsov of the European Risk Management Council and David Cassonnet of ActiveViam have a useful primer on how to fight liquidity shocks. Ahead of the Labour Party Conference in the UK, Joey Garcia of Xapo Bank warns that crypto risks drifting under the ruling party's silence. That, and much more from the week that was, can be found below.

Banks push back against ‘opaque’ US bank M&A rules

New guidelines will increase scrutiny on bank mergers. News: Barbara Pianese. Read more

CROs need to rethink how to fight liquidity shocks

Liquidity crises can unfold in minutes. What steps are you taking? Opinion: Evgueni Ivantsov, ERMC and David Cassonnet, ActiveViam. Read more

The post-financial crisis era of humility is over

US bankers have given regulators the proverbial middle finger. Opinion: Farah Khalique. Read more

UK risks crypto drift amid Labour silence

Teaser: Opportunities abound for the UK to avoid EU's ‘MiCA pitfalls’. Opinion: Joey Garcia, Xapo Bank. Read more

Expect more – and bigger – large banks, says OCC head

Michael J. Hsu also addresses the increasing relevance of non-financial risks. Q&A: Barbara Pianese. Read more

Countess Diamond: the dominatrix demanding UK banking redress

Denying sex workers banking services is becoming a reputational risk for banks. Interview: Ellesheva Kissin. Read more

‘It’s not all about the money,’ say US chief compliance officers seeking new roles

Financial compensation is surprisingly not the primary motivation. Research: John Crowley. Read more

Fraud, fines and jail: CEO accountability rises

Does jailing of ex-Swedbank CEO Birgitte Bonnesen for misconduct set a precedent? Opinion: Martin Nordh, Acuminor. Read more

Farah Khalique

Editor, Banking Risk & Regulation


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