Editorial of the president and the vice-president | 7 april 2023
Dear colleagues,
Recently, in France, a well-known lawyer was sentenced on appeal to eighteen months of professional practice ban, with a six-month suspension, for harassment within his law firm. An appeal with the French Supreme Court has been filed. The press also reports on another prominent lawyer being investigated for harassment.
There is no need to digress on these individual cases here. The (ordinal) justice system will do its job, respecting the right of defence and the presumption of innocence.
However, it is an opportunity to reiterate, as did the previous presidents Forges and Krings, that the fight against harassment and abusive behavior of all kinds is more than ever a priority for our Bar.
Is it impossible, within our bar association, to acknowledge the existence of situations of professional stress, burnout, and harassment? Is it unthinkable to recognize that the situation deserves examination and areas of improvement? Isn't it in everyone's interest that professional relationships go hand in hand with personal development and fulfillment, at all levels and within all structures?
And yet, the veil of silence and fear prevent from moving forward. Despite the awareness efforts, training, and communication, cases of psycho-social risks, including cases of moral or sexual harassment, are not reported to the Bar.
While the invaluable work of listening, carried out by the teams in charge of the trainee program, on the one hand, and the social service of the Bar, on the other hand, allow for personalized support for young lawyers, victims of these cases, filing a complaint does remain an exception. However, without a complaint, there can be no follow-up, no decision, and no potential sanctions, with the risk being there that distress and the number of victims will keep increasing.
This is not a call for denunciation, but rather an effort to raise awareness about the need to make changes in our approach to workplace behaviors – each and every one of us. It is about our well-being, our mental health, and that of our colleagues, associates, and employees.
Last week, a conference was organized by our psychosocial well-being commission, on the topic of "positive leadership" given by Mr. Eddy Vangansbek. Based on statistical data and academic studies, Mr. Vangansbek demonstrated the harmful effects of toxic leadership in terms of risks of burnout, resignation, and performance, and on the contrary, the multiplier effects in terms of productivity and motivation of positive leadership. This training was recorded and will soon be made available to the Bar. It allows everyone to reflect on their practices, receive clear guidance on better ways of working, and provides tools to improve relationships with colleagues.
Let us not forget that as lawyers, we are guided by our professional ethics and principles. Let us strive to live up to this ethical standard in all circumstances, especially in our professional relationships.
As we have already stated, excellence and rigor are fundamental to the legal profession. However, these principles should not be used as an excuse for violence, denigration, or harassment.
The requirements of our profession or the expectations of our clients cannot exempt us from the obligation of kindness, which should be the norm in all our human interactions, especially in relation to those, who rely on us to acquire our legal expertise and best practices of being a lawyer.
Your sincerely,?
Marie Dupont,????????????????????????????????????Emmanuel Plasschaert,
Vice-president??????????????????????????????????? President