Edition No 85. C-Suite Expansion.
The WIE Suite
A membership community for women leaders and culture creators (we're hiring)
Dear Women Who Do,
If we had more women in positions of power, conversations around flexibility, paid leave, equal pay, broader access to healthcare, and affordable childcare would eventually become obsolete. We need diverse leadership and that’s why ascension into the C-Suite is a recurring theme this month.
Read on for incredible advice from Stacy Mayer on how to get promoted into executive leadership, and research on whether or not you should risk your career on a turnaround role. Plus, sneak a look at our latest WIE Suite convening held in Austin, TX. As we all know, building our peer networks and connecting to great female leaders is a big step towards getting where we want to go.?
Plus, revisit other great articles including:
Then, share with us in the Slack channel: as a C-Suite leader, what is standing in the way of your success?
WIE Suite Women
The WIE Suite @ SXSW
In March, the WIE Suite, in partnership with Preacher and Current Forward , hosted an epic gathering of Women who Do. It was an evening of cocktails and conversation with and in the company of inspiring women in leadership across many industries: film, technology, television, music and software among them.
Preacher Founder & CEO?Krystle Loyland ?shared the following with the inspiring crowd of women in film, technology, television and music: “One of the things that I’ve learned most from [WIE Suite founder] Dee and the community is to act as if! And just get in there. Growing up, I was taught that I was supposed to be a lady and demure and wait my turn. And I think some of the things I’ve learned through other members of the WIE Suite and how we’re actually encouraged to behave is: say your worth, ask for help, offer help, get involved. It’s not weird to do deals or confidently introduce someone to somebody else who might be of benefit to them. And these are things that I just don’t think we were taught or brought up to do."?
Move the Needle
Should Female CEOs Take Turnaround Roles?
Should you take a turnaround CEO role? The odds are not in your favor, but if you have a history of risk taking, do your diligence and are stepping into a company with a history of female leadership, the odds might be better thank you think. We conducted research on the topic to get the latest point of few on what to consider and when to leap into a risky C-Suite role.
Steps for Diligence:
It might be possible to take a role with only two of these as major challenges but more than two and you might be stepping into a no-win situation.
Masterclass Moments: Leadership
Promotions Made Easy: A Step By Step Guide To The Executive Suite
Stacy Mayer is a Certified Executive Coach and Promotion Strategist on a mission to bring more diversity to the leadership table by doubling the number of women promoted to the c-suite each year worldwide.
"If you stop relying on your subject matter expertise, then you will see yourself advancing into executive leadership. Getting recognized for being good at your job is not a reward. A promotion is not a reward for your hard work. Doing a better job at your current job is actually keeping you from getting promoted into executive leadership."
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