Edition 76 - Election Thoughts and the State of a Nation

Edition 76 - Election Thoughts and the State of a Nation

Election thoughts??????

Election season is upon us once again in the US. Early voting seems pretty brisk. Lots of turnout so far, which is great news. Sadly, however, most voters are inconsistent. We should all perform our civic duty and vote, regardless of how you think it will turn out.

I was just thinking about our republic and how things have changed over my lifetime. Traditional values of family, marriage, and responsible spending have become less of a priority, while social unrest has increased. Immigration policy is placing an extreme burden on our economy to the detriment of US citizens. Veteran care has taken a back seat to fighting foreign wars and supporting immigrants. Our nation is less secure. There is a serious and unchecked drug war taking our young people’s lives and numbing minds to the realities of a progressive agenda.

Our economy has taken a hit, as spending continues to outpace tax revenues. We can barely make the interest payment on our national debt. I’m pretty sure the last time we had a balanced budget was during the Bill Clinton era.

Congresspersons get rich through lobbyists (official and unofficial) and insider stock trading deals.

We have lost the middle – the middle class as well as moderate politics.

Tax the rich is a trope designed to make people believe that taxing the rich even more is the answer to their own financial problems.

Protect the unborn is a drum beat that drones on right along with a lack of compassion for those who truly need help.

Where can we look? Who can we turn to in our time of need?

The nation burns while the western church pursues folly in a self-centered gospel.

There is only one savior, and His name is Jesus. It’s time to wake up, pick up our cross, bear the burdens of others, and focus on Jesus. He is the good news!


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