Edition 73 - Managing the Impact of Change
Change impacts everyone differently. It's really easy to underestimate the potential impact of change and how that will affect your team. Some folks roll with it, some have deeper need to know the "why", and some dig their heels in and resist.
Change is constant and certain in an ever-evolving world where technology developments are outpacing our ability to learn and assimilate. This can be a very stressful situation for many.
As a manager or team lead, what can you do to prepare your team for the constant barrage of changes they are faced with? How can you connect and lead those who may be resistant or overwhelmed with the pace of change?
Here are a few tips that you as a manager or leader can use to set the stage for change with your team.
Hopefully these ideas help manage through change. Please feel free to share suggestions that have helped you lead through change.
Steve Platia has been developing and leading high-performing teams, products, and processes in the renewable energy, manufacturing, and oil/gas industries for over 30 years. He can be reached at [email protected] or (918) 269-0472.