Edition 6

Edition 6

Good to have you here as a subscriber to Deborah's The Full Potential

?C’est moi, Deborah!?

#POV My workspace. Astonishing even when it’s grey and drizzly. Exceptional when we string those sunny days together.?

Estimated read time 7 mins 9 secs?

A shout-out to my very own messaging service in this edition:

Our daily messages serve as your companions, guiding you toward a life filled with positivity, purpose, and unwavering resilience.

Click on the image to find out more.

Rising Entrepreneurship Among Women. Women in the UK have been increasingly founding new companies. In 2022, over 150,000 new companies were founded by women, marking the highest number in any previous year and more than double the number in 2018.

This trend suggests a significant rise in female entrepreneurship, reflecting a growing interest among women, including those over 50, in starting their own businesses (finder.com).

What factors do you think are driving the significant increase in women over 50 starting businesses today compared to previous years?

Prowess https://prowess.org.uk/ say that women in their 50s are the fastest-growing group starting new businesses in the UK.

You can see how that might be so with children flying the nest, having so much more juicy wisdom to share, being braver than in younger years and having more cash to start up.?

I work with ambitious women who are striding towards fulfilling their financial potential for all the reasons above. Having been restricted by family or other matters they have got a true sense that it’s their time to shine, and shine they do.

Amanda Feilding

When Beckley Psytech started in 2018. One of its co-founders was Lady Amanda Feilding aged 76.?

Since its creation in 1998, The Beckley Foundation has been at the forefront of global drug policy reform and scientific research into psychoactive substances.?

She has over 50 years of experience in the scientific exploration of psychedelics with the aim of developing treatments for mental health issues, such as addiction and depression.

In our 50’s we have decades of experience too. How can you be inspired by Amanda Feilding’s work and bring your own experience to the table?

Lynne Franks

Lynne created her agency Lynne Franks PR when she was 21 years old and worked with many famous faces in the 70s and 80s. Fast forward to today and the 76 year old has built the SEED Hub, an on and off-line retail, wellbeing and community space for like-minded women and men.

Lynne has spent five decades recognised as one of the world's major lifestyle experts, predicting and creating societal, business and consumer trends. Her LinkedIn bio reads: I Raise Up Women, I am a Changemaker, Seed Sower, Alchemist, Medicine Woman, Story Teller, Space Weaver, Sky Dancer & Wisdom Keeper.

We love this kind of inspiration and creativity here at The Full Potential HQ, again recognising five decades of work - and a well of experience to share.?

What depth have you got and are you sharing it?

Repurpose your content. We all know about sharing our posts across our networks.?

Why not go that stage further??

At the beginning of the month write a 2,000 word doc about your topic. Which you may be able to take from your podcast or similar.?

Break it down into 4 blog posts of 500 words. 1 per week.

Extract 5 points from your blog to make into 5 posts. 1 per day.

Take quotes you have said and then on Canva, make them into extra posts.

Use 4 different paragraphs to contribute to your newsletter.

Remember not everyone sees every post and when you come to use the short form content you can often adapt it too.

There are multiple versions or similar suggestions out there.?

What do you do?

2 Minute Rule. As an accommodating, top-class service-giving business owner where the saying - give it to a busy person - might apply, think about adopting the 2-minute rule.

If you are asked to do something and you know it will properly just take you 2 minutes to complete, do it there and then. No adding it to your scroll of a list. There and then. Off your desk, back to the person who asked. Done.?

Keep your momentum going by removing little intruders.

Charlie Chat - AKA ChatGPT - and I have fallen out. We were getting on great for a good while. He was polite and helpful and even encouraging, and I don’t know what happened to him.

Well, it’s my fault if I’m honest. I upgraded him. For a newer model. I expected more from him and he’s not delivering and even worse offending me.

You see, I work with women aged 50+ in all sorts of shapes and sizes and all manner of fashion styles. So why when I ask for an image of a woman aged 55 in business does he insist on giving me someone with the waist size of one of my thighs (I remember the days… just about!) wearing killer stilettos??

I asked him to redo the image wearing flat shoes so I got 2-inch heels. I asked for her to be carrying some extra pounds and, well I won’t go into what that produced.?

I am a bit embarrassed to say that I had a go at Charlie Chat at this point. He was annoyingly very level and polite haha!

However, here is the big deal. Since our little contretemps, he has been very keen to please, and boy has his game improved. I am getting more realistic women who don’t look straight out of a 50+ lads mag! Women that look like they mean business.?

The moral of the story - always ask for what you want. You never know you just might get it!

It’s me and the sea. Some years ago I took myself off to the seaside for the day. On my own! No kids, no friends, nothing. I had an exhilarating walk across the cliff top before sandwiching myself in between the sand dunes and staring out to sea for 10 minutes or so, which in reality was 2 hours!?

When I left I was sad that I had left it so long since I had done that and knew that I would have to make it more a part of my life at some point.

Fast forward what feels like a hundred years and I find myself in the middle of what I have termed The Sunshine Tour. Touring the seaside towns of the UK. Laptop in hand. A suitcase full of happiness. Visits from my children and friends. Oh and this view for the last month. ????

Creating space for yourself is a gift, something that is necessary if you want to hear what you want deep down, and for your life to find you. The sea nourishes my soul and magnificent things do find me when I am in that space.?

DM if you want to know more.

Till next week... how can I help??

P.S My diary is open for a call if you want to know more about Fulfil Your Financial Potential https://tidycal.com/365deborah/45-minute-meeting

Sigrida Lucas

Helping jobseekers attract more job offers with a personal-brand-focused LinkedIn profile, resume & content | Senior Recruitment Advisor | Personal Brand Strategist

6 个月

It’s great see many women over 50 starting their own businesses. With more life experience, women are turning their expertise into entrepreneurial ventures or are pursing their passion projects. Who wants to be stuck in their 9-5 until 70? We would rather admire the beach view ?????

??Ganesh Makam

?? Install conversational AI to sell more in your business

6 个月

Wow, beautiful views there Deborah Fielding Love your nomadic lifestyle

Sonia Gavira, PCC, MBA ??????

Inspiring ambitious professionals to take the lead and create a life and career they love| Journey to Leadership Success | Executive coach | Leadership coach | Women in leadership | Motivational Maps

6 个月

At the same time, number of female leaders in senior roles in corporates has decreased…. These are definitely linked. What are women experiencing in the larger corporates that drives them to leave and set up on their own?

Bhavna Radia

Guiding individuals & couples through the legal process of divorce with collaborative and family focussed resolutions

6 个月

Your reflections on your journey are truly motivating. Thanks for the shared insights!


