Edition 6 / 2024

Edition 6 / 2024

Welcome to the newsletter of whitepaper.id GmbH here on LinkedIN after our easter break. We are back and excited for this edition and have some interesting insights and news for you!


  • Behind the scenes...
  • New Podcast Episodes: Microsoft Azure Integration Services, Financial Integration with SAP & WIE Framework
  • We are hiring!

Behind the scenes...

What do you do for your well-being?

Movement, plenty of water and fresh air are fundamental when it comes to working at your desk at home or in an office and on some days there is so much to do that we tend to forget about one or more of these things. At whitepaper.id GmbH we all work from different places most of the time so it is cucial that we see each other not just to work but also to do something for our well-being, for each one of us and also collectively. This is why we have well-being calls on teams weekly and also are able to check out the practises we had before, this is provided of me ( Yasmine Bohm ) via recorded videos. We have only started a few weeks ago to do this regularly and the feedback is great.

What does your company do to be sure of your good health working from home? We are curious, you are very welcome to send us a message about this topic!

New Podcast Episodes: Microsoft Azure Integration Services, Financial Integration with SAP & WIE Framework

This interview in episode #36 with Sebastian Meyer from QUIBIQ Hamburg GmbH is packed with knowledge and brings you insights on Microsoft Azure Integration Services. Sebastian is (not only to us) an expert in integration, and together with Adam Kiwon , he navigates through the world of Azure with its components and a lot of insider knowledge—enjoy!

Listen: https://youtu.be/0yO-5BBq-zA

Watch & listen: https://integration-excellence.podigee.io/61-35-microsoft-azure-integration-services

In Episode #36 we have Steffen Karsch from PAYMENTS.CC Coaching & Consulting as our interview guest on the podcast. There's a lot to know in the field of banking communication—how can I best link the processes and build interfaces in this area?

Be curious to learn about this and many more related topics with Steffen Karsch and Adam Kiwon !

Listen: https://youtu.be/DuKuIxLYPc0

Watch & listen: https://integration-excellence.podigee.io/62-36-financial-integration-mit-sap

In episode #37 of #IntegrationExcellence Adam and I are speaking about the WIE Framework - How do you achieve Integration Excellence in your company?

Whint Integration Excellence - WIE

"Wie" - German word for how

Find out what points you have to check on and also click the article on our blog for more information on the single topics after listening to the podcast.

Blog: https://www.integration-excellence.com/wie-framework/

Listen: https://integration-excellence.podigee.io/63-37-wie-framework

Watch & listen: https://youtu.be/dyiqvdfMLNw

We are hiring!

Do you think this right now: "What? This is my chance! I want to build the Integration Cockpit and change the approach of companys when it comes to more robust and manageable integration landscapes..." ...and so on? This is your chance! We are searching for a senior full stack developer to come in our team and lead the movement on Integration Excellence!

The Integration Cockpit needs more hands that work on this project and we are excited about your application, see you soon.

Find the whole job ad here: https://www.dhirubhai.net/jobs/view/3904948121/

This was whitepaper.id GmbH 's sixth newsletter.

We will get to you bi-weekly with fresh updates and insights so the next newsletter will reach you on wednesday the 10th of may - because thursday th 9th is a German holiday!

Stay tuned and in the meantime check out our podcast "Integration Excellence" on all known platforms like Spotify and Apple Podcasts.


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