Edition 31:The Art of Perception: Weaving Visualizations into Reality

Edition 31:The Art of Perception: Weaving Visualizations into Reality

Hi Lifelong Learners,


I hope you had a week filled with sound and awareness of the power of sound. I think the most important quotation from last week’s edition was:

“If you think POSITIVELY, Sound becomes MUSIC, Movement becomes DANCE, Smile becomes LAUGHTER, Mind becomes MEDITATION.”


This indicates that we are mostly deluded and absurdly serious—bordering on the tragic—that we miss entirely the simplicity and joy of life. My mind immediately envisions First Nations and their clear life missions. They know joy and, of course, hardship, but their sense of life is so solid and strong.?

Studying, learning, and training efficiently demands that you know the purpose you are working towards and that your motivation is 100% pure and self-honest. I’ll talk more about purity today as we take another more detailed look at visualisation.??

Ayn Rand has a beautiful definition of ‘sense of life:’

“A central purpose serves to integrate all the other concerns of a man’s life. It establishes the hierarchy, the relative importance, of his values; it saves him from pointless inner conflicts; it permits him to enjoy life on a wide scale and to carry that enjoyment into any area open to his mind, whereas a man without a purpose is lost in the chaos. He does not know what his values are. He does not know how to judge. He cannot tell what is or is not important to him, and therefore, he drifts helplessly at the mercy of any chance stimulus or any whim of the moment. He can enjoy nothing. He spends his life searching for some value which he will never find.”?

In?Edition 26, I discussed values and your heart’s deepest desire, so it may be good to review those ideas this week. The golden key to motivation and success is how deeply you know yourself and how well you are connected to your true nature. Remember Sylvanus in?Edition 11:?

“Knock on yourself as upon a door, and walk upon yourself as on a straight road. For if you walk on that road, it is impossible for you to go astray. And if you knock with this one (Wisdom), you knock on hidden treasures.”

The Art of Perception: Weaving Visulaisations into Reality

In the vast landscape of human experience, perception acts as the loom on which we weave the fabric of reality.

Much like spiders spinning intricate webs of life, our minds construct intricate patterns of thought and imagery that define our understanding of the world.

I weave the day ahead in my life every day as part of my night-before or morning routine. I create it literally with my positive thoughts in 3D with sound. It’s not a 2D picture but a living animation of how I want my day to be. I enjoy doing this so much.

When it’s ready in all its details – the way I look, what I’m wearing (especially colours), the length of my spine and balance of my head on top, the potency of my?ziji, etc.– the next stage is to summon?gratitude—the core of my success—for everything I already am and have, especially for having gotten through the night with every breath. I’ve mentioned this before, but it really is crucial.?

Edition 21?includes a mindful gratitude practice for three people in your life.?

First, I am in awe of my unique human life,?the miracle of Planet Earth, which supports it, and the gift of Oxygen, which fuels every breath I take. Then, I’m amazed that the gravitational field keeps my feet on the surface of the Earth and enables me to move around so easily on two legs in the vertical plane.?

We may have forgotten how to feel awe because our lives are filled with every convenience and comfort.?

The Sun and Moon are illuminated constantly even though we can’t always see them, which means that we grow and we can raise food to nourish us, and the tides and seasons are controlled.?

Then, I feel?happiness?deep inside.??

So, when I have kindled my gratitude and the sparks of happiness are ignited, I am ready to crawl along the web I’ve woven for the day ahead.

The Three-Dimensional Nature of Visualization:

Contrary to popular belief, visualisation is more than just about picturing images in our minds and then holding them there.

It is a multidimensional process that engages our senses, emotions, and cognition.

Effective visualisation goes beyond surface-level imagery, delving into the depth and solidity of mental constructs.

Remember that each individual’s visualised world is uniquely crafted. It reflects their perceptions, experiences, and aspirations. It is our ‘sense of life’ —another more concise definition:

’a pre-conceptual equivalent of metaphysics, an emotional, subconsciously integrated appraisal of man and of existence.’

(Rand, Romantic Manifesto:3)?

We cannot share worlds with others directly, but we can represent them with art —

“a selective recreation of reality according to an artist’s metaphysical value-judgements.”

(Rand, Romantic Manifesto: 1)

If you are reading this and feel it touches you, it’s a miracle. In some way, we are meant to intertwine our webs!

My artistic challenge every day is to concoct and recreate my inner Universe to express to others.

There’s always a chance that someone will catch a star I toss out and ride it with me briefly. Try this one — an extract from my novel?Never Stop Singing to Me?— the story of two musicians living a medieval life in the High Pyrenees.

My sounds combined with the sounds of the cosmos in massive banks of tiny shells, which the air moved in and out of, but then I was startled because you were not there, and I didn’t want you to get left behind. I should never have explained my connection with the cosmos to you in abstract words. Because no matter how close we got, you could never experience it like I did. You did not ‘believe’ me with your distracted mind. You flippantly accuse me of black magic or acceptable insanity when your terrors plagued you. It felt like you had broken your promise and stopped singing to me, which hurt deeply.

So, I revelled in the hot smoulder of a planet on my cheek. A comet flew between my toes. The eternal vibrating of the Universe sang out in every pore of my skin through your beautiful voice. Simultaneously, I could hear you had opened the living room door and were preparing to come upstairs.

Purifying Perception for Clarity and Success:

Our visualisations are often clouded by filters that distort reality. Called the 5 poisons, the main obstructions are:

  • Desire
  • Jealousy
  • Pride
  • Ignorance
  • Aggression

To visualise with clarity and purpose, it is essential to identify and remove these filters.

This involves cultivating a state of pure observation, free from judgment or comparison.

By purifying our perceptions, we can enhance our ability to manifest our intentions and goals.

During my day-ahead spinning each day, I endorse that my inner Universe is unique, and I am the ruler of it. I affirm:

“I am the ruler of my thoughts and emotions.”
“I do not compete with anyone because everything is a dream.”
“I am a miraculous being. I am perfect and whole. I am love and light. I am powerful and strong. I am harmony and happiness personified.”

A Short Exercise:

Imagine a beautiful, healthy, young, desirable person standing with their back to you. You know he/she is talented and wealthy and living an extraordinary life just from their stance, clothing, and atmosphere surrounding them.

You gaze out at their privileged, luxurious, carefree life, which arouses your envy, desire, and desperation to be like them.

Then, the person turns to look at you. Their face is disfigured, repellent even. This arouses your aggression because you have been cheated. You turn away in disgust.

All five of these poisonous emotions are at work in this example.

The problem is caused by your perception of yourself as separate from your vision.?

An effective visualisation in non-dual. You dissolve into it, and it dissolves into you.

“Our life is shaped by our mind: we become what we think.”


The Essential Role of Pure Emotion in Visualisation:

Emotions play a transformative role in visualisation, infusing our mental imagery with vitality and power.

When fully immersed in the emotions associated with our visualisations, we align ourselves with the desired outcomes.

This requires letting go of intellectual constructs and embracing the visceral experience of ‘no-thingness,’ where theories and concepts dissolve into pure feeling.

“I stand here on the summit of the mountain. I lift my head, and I spread my arms. This, my body and spirit, this is the end of my quest. I wished to know the meaning of all things. I am the meaning….I am not a tool for their (others) use. I am not a servant of their needs. I am not a sacrifice on their altars.”

?Rand, Atlas Shrugged.

The Liberating Art of Visualization:

Visualisation is an innate ability unique to each individual.

Once we tap into its inherent potential, it is akin to effortlessly riding a bicycle. We can ride whenever we want without thinking about it.

By dissolving the boundaries between self and vision, we enter a state of fluidity where creativity flourishes.

The ‘clay pot’ analogy illustrates how we mould and shape our realities through visualisation, shaping our destinies in the process.

There is air inside and outside the clay pot—It is the same air. Break the clay pot, and the two airs merge.

We have habitually insinuated matter to separate them.

We must break the clay pots of our separations to be entirely beneficial and liberated by visualising.

Expanding Imaginative Boundaries:

To enhance our visualisation practice, we can engage in exercises that push the boundaries of imagination.

Playing with scale during visualisation can be a transformative experience, breaking the illusion of separateness between self and vision.

Imagine yourself as tiny as a grain of rice, walking in a palace as big as the Universe.

Remember to dissolve into your visualisation, listening, breathing and being yourself.

Embracing beliefs that stretch the limits of our perceived reality allows us to embody the concept of?

‘we are what we visualise,’?

manifesting our deepest desires into tangible outcomes.

Final Thoughts:

In conclusion,?visualisation is a potent tool for shaping our realities and manifesting our dreams.

We unlock limitless potential by:

  • Understanding its multidimensional nature
  • Purifying our perception
  • Harnessing the power of pure emotion
  • Expanding our imaginative boundaries.

As we weave the tapestry of perception, we embrace the artistry of visualisation and create vibrant realities aligned with our highest aspirations.

This will raise the frequency of our thoughts so that they transmit loudly and clearly into the Universe and are reflected back loudly and clearly.?

We will be in tune with our lives and the Universe.

Stay?connected always with our higher self.

This way, our thoughts may always be positive,?deepening our happiness?and connecting with?our true nature.

I’ll finish there. I have written in single-sentence paragraphs to help you read meaningfully, so even if you only resonate with one of them, this will help guide you to visualise brilliantly and live your ideal life.

I’ve also referenced other articles that will help the process, but please don’t feel bad if you don’t have time to read them. My purpose in this newsletter is always to provide you with resources to access whenever you need them or are ready to learn more.?

By the way, my Study Wellness website is almost ready to go public, so all the editions written so far will be transformed into short articles and exercises/practices. This will make them easier to access when you need them. I’ll let you know here when the site is public.

I hope you have an outstanding visualisation week.

Remember to break that clay pot as often as possible so you are not separated from the creative thoughts you use to weave your days and dream life.?


Yours in tune?


PS: Ayn Rand is my absolute hero this week! I'm sorry for overwhelming you with her quotations.


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