Edition 26

Edition 26

The Full Potential has been full tilt this week, thanks for joining us!

With events for improving your confidence on LinkedIn and a new course launched for enhancing your presence on LinkedIn - we are working it.

LinkedIn is THE most successful business platform with over 1 billion users.?

How many of those users are your people?

Want to know more about the course? It's here ?

Find Out More

Like many, this week my son returned to Uni. In my hometown of Manchester, because as he says “why wouldn’t I? I’m 50% Mancunian.”

Don’t laugh too much. I cried.?A lot. When he went!

He’s not even a fresher! He’s established and I love him getting out there and loving his life. But, we had such a glorious Summer together. It was hard to see him go this week. I had to put some makeup on to stop me blubbing!

I’ve got tips and tricks up all of my sleeves to ease my way through the tricky times in life


What are you doing this week that helps you to be braver?

Being brave is defined as having the quality or showing the mental or moral strength to face fear, danger, or difficulty.

This is not something that many women 50+ are known for!?

There is a multitude of reasons for this - but let’s take menopause as one. The changes that take place for a woman are colossal, and yet…

At this age we bring to the table so much wisdom and experience. In my view we are invaluable and this is the level of thinking that I carry around with me.

I look for new ways each day to expand myself.?

Some days are tiny, while others can be seismic.?

On reflection I’ve always been this way but with the vast amount of life that sits on your shoulders by this age it would be easy to give that attitude away and look for a simpler life.

And a beautiful brave discovery I made a couple of weeks ago is that I was still carrying some cladding that I’d slapped on myself over a decade ago!?

It was a jaw dropping moment when I realised the heartache I had been giving myself only to understand I couldn’t have affected this particular situation that I’d been giving myself a hard time over.?

What was that doing for me?

It was closing me down!

For a bloody decade!

Now, I am wide open with a ridiculous weight off my shoulders. Delicious!

Ask yourself right now is that showing up for you somewhere in your life. Are you carrying a weight around needlessly?

Forever doing the work, assessing my mindset, prepared to go through rather than brush the block under the carpet.

I was chatting to a lady this week who discovered she was still holding to her parents' voice in her head (she was 62 with her parents long gone) about how she ‘should’ be within this toxic relationship she was in. How she had built the stories up in her head that when presented with my little litmus test of ‘Is that true, false or don’t you really know’, it all came tumbling down!

She was prepared to carry a toxic tale around to remember her parents and keep herself stuck and miserable into the bargain.?


There were so many other great things to remember about her parents. And most of all, they would want her happy - right?

So my challenge to your mindset this week, and if you're on my list you are very much up for this, I know...

Challenge yourself to take that leap you wanted to take for years!?

Follow your heart - if you can’t do that now when the heck will you??

Take a bravery pill and have the life you wanted and stop making stories up that aren’t yours to own!

The beauty of working in my membership with this ‘stuff’ is the support and celebration is off the charts when you uncover the nonsense you place on yourself.?

It’s you who will be the first to say to me - 'you know life isn’t a dress rehearsal.' Well, that’s right! So if it isn’t a dress rehearsal - let’s get on with the show.?

Jazz hands included! ?

It’s OK to press the pause button!

I see all over LinkedIn how to do more.?

One post I saw this morning was encouraging mums with young families and businesses to keep going and how working alongside this coach was going to produce this long list of ‘stuff’.

I don’t know about you if you have children, but I was exhausted when I was knee deep in motherhood.

I suggested that it’s OK to press the pause button.

I suggested that it’s OK to enjoy where you are in this moment.

I suggested it’s a great idea to niche down into one thing rather than a gazillion and conserve some much-needed energy!

It is vital we create space in our minds to get the best from it.

Not chock it full so that you can’t think.

I’m all over expanding and growing and fulfilling your potential, as you know.?

Part of my toolkit for achieving that is to create space every day for myself to understand where the next steps are.

Sometimes, that’s hitting the pause button on a project while something else gets attention to thrive in your world.

It goes hand in hand with taking the aforementioned bravery pill.?

Be brave enough to pause.?

Be brave enough to enjoy your efforts.?

Be brave enough to create some space for your life to find you.


This week here are 5 simple questions to shine the light on your dreams.

1.? What’s holding you back from taking your next courageous step, and how can you overcome that?

2. What’s one brave step you’ve taken recently, and how did it move you closer to your goals? Can you repeat that?

3. When was the last time you surprised yourself with your own strength or resilience? Can you use that now?

4. How do you stay motivated and confident when the road to success feels uncertain or challenging? (By joining my membership of course! )

5. What advice would you give to other women who are hesitating to take the next step toward their dreams? Right back at you my friend! ?



Remember The LinkedIn Daily Action Group I launched last week? It starts on October 1st - come and join me and meet some fabulous new women with the same aim as you - to gain more confidence and know what you are doing on this mighty platform.


Join Here


Until next week How can I help?

Annette Barnes

Business and Operational Coach/Consultant.

3 周

Thank you, Deborah. This was just what I needed.


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