Edition 21: You are the Centre of the Universe: your thoughts are like a magnet.

Edition 21: You are the Centre of the Universe: your thoughts are like a magnet.

Hi Lifelong learners,


Thanks for joining me again. I hope you can try implementing some of the productivity pointers I wrote about last week and that you’re pleased with the result. Have you found out yet whether you’re a first-hander or a second-hander??

You ARE the centre of the Universe because everything you think and feel comes from your unique mind. As in the image above, You hold your life in your hands. You may think or have been led to believe that everyone else supports you, and so you can abdicate that sense of life of being a First-Hander. Of course, we have the treasure box of gratitude to dig into to appreciate how we are supported, and I urge you to make that part of your daily mindfulness practice, too (see Mindful Practice 6). But if you want a dazzling future, complete happiness and a balanced mind, and for all your dreams to become reality, you must listen to yourself – your thoughts and feelings. This is true when you are learning, studying or training, as I have mentioned before.

In Edition 15, I broadly outlined the ancient Universal Law of Attraction. This week, I’d like to expand on it to help you realise that all your thoughts and feelings count. Our thoughts and feelings create our minds and our future in the world.

You might remember:

To harness the laws of attraction for personal and collective benefit, I recommend three fundamental approaches:

  • Cultivate gratitude for every moment of life – which we’ve just mentioned.
  • Utilise the power of visualisation to focus on personal goals – which I talk about next.
  • Constrain thought patterns to positivity while learning to overcome negativity – also next.

Practical exercises include:?

  • journaling to identify and modify habitual thought patterns
  • creating mood boards for visual reinforcement
  • practising acceptance of present circumstances
  • engaging in positive self-talk to counteract self-critical tendencies.

The Power of Visualisation to focus on personal goals

I outlined how to set goals practically and psychologically towards the beginning of this letter in Edition 9. Please go back and read that again if you need to. Now, I will talk more about its spiritual or invisible aspects.

Most of us can use our minds to create vivid, almost-living pictures. They are usually in technicolour and can absorb us totally. Some people may call this daydreaming. But I’m talking about something very different.

Every thought you have automatically has an accompanying feeling.

I’m not talking about virtual reality here either, which will do you no good as far as your innate ability to visualise goes. Try it for yourself:

Partially close your eyes and visualise when your course/training is finished; you have graduated and are ready to apply everything you have learned. Moreover, you are free to relax and have more leisure time.

As you view that picture in which you are brimming over with a mixture of pride and relief, smiling broadly, what do you feel? Hold on to the feeling you’re experiencing, which I can’t describe because your thoughts and feelings are unique to you, but I’ll try.?

It must be a good, exciting feeling. Maybe you feel very light and bubbly. Or perhaps you feel moved to tears that you have reached your objective. You may see yourself in a different culture or country, with a different lifestyle you have earned through hard work.

Hold on to that image; it’s controlling thought and attendant feeling for as long as possible. Enter into it fully, enjoying the exhilaration and positivity. Feel that feeling fully, and you may be able to locate it in your body. My exciting feelings are usually sited in my abdomen or around my throat.?

This feeling releases feel-good hormones into your bloodstream, making you feel fabulous. So, you can see the incredible value of relishing such feelings produced by a mere thought.

THIS is the power of your thoughts. Each one you have. We have up to 60,000 thoughts daily, so if even 20% of them are negative, they will come with negative, dark, what-if feelings.?

Thoughts are made up of your unique species of energy. They radiate into the Universe, each emitting a frequency, like colour or sound. There are higher and lower frequencies. Higher are created by positive bright thoughts and feelings and lower by darker negative feelings. This is a fact! It’s medically researched and well-supported.

Thoughts and feelings are also invisible. We can see them in detail. So, this aspect of your mindset for studying/learning and training is purely spiritual. Trust me!

As I’m sure you are now realising, if you accept this, you can quite easily harness those thoughts and feelings to help manifest whatever you want or desire.?

This is where I liken your thoughts and feelings to a magnet with the incredible power to attract negative and positive thoughts and feelings into your life. The positive = total happiness and goodness, so it makes sense to avoid negative thoughts and feelings and keep everything positive.

The Universe is your mirror! Whatever you think will manifest. We can see this at work in the world today. In Japan, we have just had a reasonably big earthquake – magnitude 7.6 – which has taken many lives and destroyed villages and towns. Japanese people pride themselves on reality and being realistic, so I can imagine many were feeling very negative and fearful about the subsequent earthquakes here, which are predicted to happen within the next 30 years. Perhaps their unintentionally negative thinking made this happen!

It’s the same with wars and other natural disasters. If enough people project on the lower negative frequencies and are fearful, then that is an enormous power. Avoid the negative: let the thought arise and step back from its heat. Then, you can watch as it floats away on the stream of the energy of life like a dead leaf.


More of this next week. Please ponder on it and read Edition 9. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below.

Mindful Practice 6: Gratitude

Please use the visual above to get into your mindful state in your designated sanctuary if possible, but find a quiet place if you are out and about. Begining from 1, once you have listened into your body (3c), then do the following:


Visualise 3 people you are grateful to in. your life, one at a time. And then bring them all together, sitting or standing opposite you. To give you some ideas, one may be a parent, close friend, teacher, or spiritual leader. Each of them has been involved directly in your life’s course.

Continue your mindful state, listening and breathing, feeling your spine lengthening and your shoulders widening. Then, look at each one, say how grateful you are to them, and notice the feeling that comes along.

You may have a different feeling for each of your chosen people.

Stay in that state of gratitude for as long as you want or can, then allow your eyelids to float open without effort and spend a moment understanding what you have just experienced.

It would help if you wrote in your journal at this point.

Then, take those feelings back into your busy life and revisit them whenever you have a spare moment. They can become like pocket icons for you if you continue to practice in this way.?

Well, that’s all for today. These are significant steps, so take them slowly and carefully.

I’ll continue helping you add these fantastic resources to your collection next week.

?‘Touch Your Heart Everyday” This is a free email sequence to help you stay mindful, especially when busy. To reiterate, it’s a straightforward email containing a quotation/words and/or images designed to inspire you so that you can reflect on them. You can receive this several times during the working week.

You can sign up here if you’d like to become a member.

Have a great week with your powerful positive thought frequency and all the incredible feelings that come with it.


Yours always positive and in tune with the Universe!



PS: I’m having great fun with Bing AI Creator for my images!

Godwin Josh

Co-Founder of Altrosyn and DIrector at CDTECH | Inventor | Manufacturer

1 年

You mentioned the profound impact of Edition 21 on one's thoughts and emotions, shaping their future. It's fascinating how the power of mindset can influence outcomes. If we look at historical data, we can see that figures like Nelson Mandela, through their unwavering positive mindset in the face of adversity, achieved remarkable change. How do you think mindfulness can help individuals achieve their goals in the long run, considering such historical examples of resilience and determination?


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